Citrus juices, PRIMARILLY that of the Lemon, also have three additional properties. Firstly, it acts as a purgative, which aids in moving the intestinal tissues around ("squeezing and tensing")and enhancing the movement of the stones out of the liver and gallbladder. (the oil is a lubricant so that there isn't as much pain or discomfort, though there may be nausea involved in some people)
Secondly, citrus enhances the production of mucous. You will notice that in your mouth as you drink it, but the lower gastro-intestinal region is even MORE sensitive to this. Lemon juice is a stronger citrus than others and thus its affect is even more powerful. By combining LEMON juice with olive oil, you have the perfect combination of natural ingredients, which draw out the stones. Enhancing the production of mucous, besides being able to act as, thirdly, a surfactant. (we all know how Lemon juice cuts through grease)