> where did this stone come from that they think is in my liver duct since i have moderately abnormal liver function and the scopes and the ct showed nothing but i have alot of pain ?
Stones you are talking about are formed inside your liver, inside intrahepatic bile ducts.
Look at Images on this web site to see stones inside liver ducts.
They didn't come from your gallbladder, your gallbladder is out.
Stones are usually first formed inside liver, then "roll down" to gallbladdre, where they continue growing and causing paiful problems.
We all have those stones inside our livers, that is why we flush liver.
That is why we get hundreds or even thousands of stones when we do a liver flush.
Do you think that we can have place inside our gallbladder for 5000 stones ?
It must be a really huge gallbladder, don't you think ?
Gallbladder surgery is often just a first surgery on the raw.
A friend of mine, who is working in a hospital, has seen records of people who have been comeing for new surgery or for an ERCP every 1 or 2 or 3 years.
Every 1 or 2 or 3 years there is another stone stuck inside bile ducts, and another surgery.
She has seen records of people who have had 7 surgeries or 7 ERCP-s removals of the stone.
And stupid doctors (or very smart), still do not understand (or have no interest in understanding it) that stones are formed inside liver.
Why ?
Because Ultrasound, x-ray, CAT scan, HIDA scan, ... can not detect anything inside liver. Blood test can not detect it. Stetoscope can not detect it. Well, that is as far as most doctors will go.
Most people are uninformed, and will come back again and again, for te same procedure.
If you don't use your brain, ... people make money ..
Stones (sometimes up to 3000 of them) are usually "stuck" inside your liver bile ducts and "waiting" to "go out" through common bile duct.
Until you have galbladder full of stones, AND until you have your gallbladder removed, it is almost 100% sure you have at least 1000 - 2000 stones "stuck" inside intrahepatic bile ducts (bile ducts inside liver).
Over 80% of people older then 30 have intahepatic stones, and 99.999% of people older then 55.
Almost avryone have stones, or will get them, sooner or later.
Intrahepatic stones are MAIN COFACTOR (causative agent, one of many other causative agents) for more then 95% of all diseases and disorders, including "incurable diseases" like: allergies, asthma, hypertension, constipation, digestive problems, Diabaets, cardiovascular diseases, eye problems, ulcer, cancer, AIDS, alzheimers, parkinsons, shoulder pain, arm pain, intestinal infections, IBS, IBS, CFIDS, MCS, MS, FMS, Arthritis, OA, ...
Just the fact that you HAVE NO gallbladder does not change anything.
Your liver is still full of stones.
Removal of gallbladder can only help with poain.
It does not cure the main cause of the problem.
To get stuck stone pass through the rest of common bile duct, just do a full liver flush, as described by Dr.Clark, 2 cups of epsom salt+water at 6pm and 8pm, one cup of olive oil+grapefruit juice at 10pm, and 2 cups of epsom salt+eater at 6am and 8am, next morning. (Find link to
Liver Flush at the bottom of this message.)
You can (should) do it already tomorrow.
Sleep well, visit toilet whenever you have to.
You should put a white, plastic colander in the toilet when you eliminate so you can observe your feces. The fluids will wash right through the colander, leaving the solids behind for inspection.
If you use a popsicle stick to poke through your feces you may see:
- Live or dead parasites, ranging from two- to three-foot-long worms to tiny ones that can barely be seen. (There will also be others that are too small to be seen without a microscope.)
- Stones of different shape, size and colour, which will most likely float, if you put them into water.
Put stones into plastic bowl with water.
Pick up all the stones that are floating on the top of the water, as well stones that are on the bottom, wash them, count them, take photo of them (on good daily light) to show to your relatives and friends (and of course, to us), put them into few plastic bags and freez them, to be able to show them later, and to be able to compare them to the stones you will get in next flush, or to show them to your grand children.
If kept on room temperature, stones (almost always over 95% cholesterol) may be "attacked" by intestinal bacteria, and may get converted into bile acids, into bile, into smelly liquid. In that case you will not have much to show.
Why should you show it to them ?
BECAUISE, if they know about it, they may keep their gallbladder and their health.
Then, take some time to share your experience with us.
>Can the flush help your stone stuck in duct??????????????
The main purpose of
Liver Flush (Liver cleanse) is to flush all stones that stuck inside intrahepatic bile ducts (bile ducts inside liver), which are all connected to the bile duct that leads to common bile ducts, which leads both, bile and pancreatic digestive juices into duodenum.
Usually, intrahepatic bile ducts are not wider den common bile duct.
Common bile duct shoud be the widest duct.
That means that stones that can pass through intrahepatic bile ducts (bile ducts inside liver), can always pass through common bile duct.
People have reported passing stones as big as golf ball, when doing flush.
Even children get stones few
inch across.
If kids can do it, you can do it.
Men usually pass stones that are bigger then women.
One man passed stones that have been as big as his fist.
After analysing them, you coud see that thay have been composed from many smaller stones.
It is possible that some of those stones clumped together into few big "balls" while passing through colon, just before he pass them.
Why do we think that people should avoid surgery ?
Let's forget all the side efects, and just think that person feels perfectly OK after surgery. (some people actually does feel better for very long time, until they develop cardiovascular problems, hypertension, allergies, ...)
After surgery, few months or years, one big stone, one of 2000 inside liver, may "decide" to move down and "stuck" inside your bile ducts.
Then, doctor tells you that you need another surgery.
You say yes.