Hi, I have just discovered this site and thought I would post my experience to help or to get comments.
A bit of my background: I have always been into herbal treatments but never had done any kind of cleansing except for the colon and occasional fiber pills. Currently, I am on day 3 of a
parasite cleanse with an herbal formula and I am having severe "die off" symptoms and major sinus issues.
Years ago I had this same sinus headache continuously for about 3 years straight. Doctors told me to take Clariton and of course that never worked. I used the Neti pot for 2 years every single day and that reduced the headaches nearly 75% but I still had digestive problems that I couldn't figure out. Back then I would tell the doctors that I see something that looks like worms in my stool and they just rolled their eyes and did a stool test which came out negative.
I knew I had worms coming out back then as I was trying different kinds of herbal combinations and trying to fix myself. I also had at one point a serious vaginal yeast odor that was really hard to get rid of, and that lasted about a year. ERrhh what a nightmare! Oh and the doctors said that was normal and changed the subject.
I even have been a frequent patient at Acupuncture clinics for years. They would put me on Chinese herbal combinations and for the first week I felt great and I thought I was healed but then my gas, bloating, and overextended belly etc came back. I was baffled as I know a whole lot about natural remedies and I've known people curing themselves from them but I wasn't getting any kind of relief from my chronic sinus pain and chronic ill digestive disorders.
I became vegan and then I was seeing more worms and frequent mucus in my stools. My sinus headache vanished, but only came back if I ate dairy everyday. The doctors took a blood allergy test and the results where that I was highly allergic to eggs and then milk, cheese...
It was a nightmare to live without cheese so I slowly introduced it back into my diet. I still struggled with my digestion but the sinus headache was gone so I figured I did something right.
During this time I was having strange issues with my skin. I had my lips swell up and were so painful and dry that a Dermatologist told me it was from my lipsticks and it was Dermatitis. I quit using the lipsticks completely and after a few days applying a Steroid cream they normalized but they are still very dry and I can't use any kind of chap sticks or lip sticks. It sucks.
Also every month now for 3 years I have a breakout of herpes on my lips. It is dreadfully awful and I hate it. Over the last two years I added Olive Leaf Extract to my daily supplements and they were cut about 50%, but I still seem to get them. I suspect it is from these parasites.
Only until my intestines (even with using natural colon cleansers etc.) starting causing me more problems has been this last year and no matter what I eat I bloat, have gas and my lower stomach has so much fat that every day I am miserable as I look like I am 4 months pregnant. I'm only 120
pounds and can't wear clothes that show my abdominal region as I look and feel like I am with child. I hate it and this was what has prompted me to read into
Black-Walnut ,
Wormwood and other herbal cleanses.
An Herbalist/MD doctor told me I had Candida, but I just figured it was more than that (as just recently I saw some worms in my stool).
I started my first one 4 days ago and my symptoms where almost immediate. The first two days I was extremely emotional and irritated at everyone/thing (I still kinda am too). Then yesterday from out of nowhere my throat started getting sore and then I began to feel my old sinus headache kicking back in and this time it was really painful. I started looking up and reading more about this cleanse and people have mentioned about worms being in their sinuses - I think I might have some! Although I haven't seen any yet.
Then it went into body aches and a slight fever. My nose is really dry but the gunk and mucus is packed up way back in there so when I try and blow it out it is a lot of hard work and some of it is draining down my throat. Yuck! I really hope these herbs are killing this sinus monster in my head for good! If anyone has had similar experiences can you please share your story and let me know how long you did your
parasite cleanse and if it relieved your sinus problems for good?
Otherwise, I read that I need to also be taking a fiber supplement while I do this cleanse. I have and I am still constipated. I am having bowel movements but I feel like I could go more, as there really isn't that much coming out and what is coming out is really smelly and really dark and has a mushiness to it. I have gas and bloating and my stomach is still extended, even from the time I wake up. I need to be eliminating more. Any suggestions?
I'm only taking Natural Balance Parazide Clenz as well as a good pro-biotic, and trying to not eat
Sugar and keep my diet clean.
Any recommendations on how long I should do this cleanse for? Any additional comments or questions please feel free to ask. In the mean time I will be reading some more on this forum and trying to give my input.
Thanks everyone! :)