I've been using paraGONE for over a week now, and lots and LOTS of additional strong herbs and supplements. I've noticed these coming out in my stool, sometimes they're obvious, sometimes I have to tease my stool apart with a rubber-gloved finger. A lot of the time they're all dead and crumbled up, this guy stayed came out alone (just with the mucus). I often notice my butt gets itchy first, and then one will be expelled, sometimes with a little stool, sometimes without.
Is this guy a hookworm?
For months, I had IBS-C and fishy-smelling mucus, SUPER bad bloating up to 6" on my thin frame (my waist is normally 26", so it's easy to tell!!), terrible gas.
I've been cleaning up my diet by degrees the last few months; Just within the last 4 weeks I've gone strictly vegan and am just down to vegetables, raw, cooked, and powder form, with pumpkin seeds to supplement, and strong herbs. I have been occasionally taking Absorb Plus (an elemental formula) to help get some protein in me, only about 15g/day, and I eat a ton of pumpkin seeds and flax meal. Also doing
Liver Flush with lemons, cranberry juice, and herbs.
If somebody could help me know for sure if this is a hookworm?
I don't think I'm going to take meds for hookworms. I'm going to stay with my herbs, obviously they're working; keep rotating stuff and stick with my high vegetable, HIGH alkaline diet. Worms hate that.
If this guy is a hookworm, do you have any advice for me??? TIA!!!