I just heard Richard Hoagland theory about 9/11 and Elenin a couple a days ago. His theory is the use of so called Torsion Field based weapons, Hyperdimensional Physics. He and another researcher goes deep and explains many strange anomalies around ground zero area (toasted cars but whole un-touched paper), plus taking into account that there could only be a kind of "Seismic activity/Wave manipulation" kind of weapon to cause the two towers to literally pulverise the way they did.
Could of course be a combination of other kinds of explosives too, maybe the planes were real or just pro Holograms, thats not the important crux.
Do you guys think that these torsion weapons is being used, under the umbrella of HAARP technology or maybe another sub division of such technology?
Have a gut feeling about "The Event's" in Norway lately also could be linked to this. 1 Day before the bombings in Oslo a extremely rare 4 Richt Earthquake hit Hedmark/Rena in Norway, about 1 mile from the Anders Behring Breiviks home. There is almost ever a earthquake in Norway.
I think that Breivik is a Programmed Manchurian Canidate, created by Mossad/CIA/Nazis/Zionists, ultimately linked back to the Vatican Black pope Jesuits, which tries to frame it on multiple others, like Far right conservatives to create "white al qaeda" and all white men are possible terrorist + stricter regulations, or on the more ordinary Free Masons (Not the scottish 33rd that is evil) hence the fake picture of Breivik in Mason Costume. And a really fishy thing is that the prime minister in Norway Jens Stoltenberg, his Father Torvald Stoltenberg are both higly regarded Bilderbergers, and the Mother of the Social Democrat Party that Stoltenberg is leading, namely Gro Harlem Bruntland is on the "Learned Elders Of Zion Council". She was at the massacre island minutes before it happened and is being explained as a coincidence that she got away, its mostly the adult party members children, Gro H B literal friends, that got mostly slaughtered there. Another fishy thing is that the "new prince" of the youth movement in the party, was beginning to take a new radical direction saying no to the EU law regulation and so forth, he got KILLED, mysteriously the other "prince" of the youth movement that is much closer to the elites in the party, got away in a boat like 10 minutes before killing started. And he explains that this was just a coincidence.
Of course another obvious thing is in fact that the socialist movement (being the attacked victim here with 70 dead children), is the strongest pro EU and pro multiculturalism and globalist, hence friends of the NWO. The social democrat party getting now tremendous empathy and support from the whole Norwegian people, while NWO globalist skeptics from more conservative side is being ridiculed.
Also the occult date of 22. The Dark ones always uses the occult symbolism and the following energy alignments created in those "time windows" to both sacrifice and to be more successful.
I dont care so much about all this really, its just one of those obvious shows going on, where you see the polarity game is being played so clearly, and the dark claw trying at all costs to hold on to its little remaining of control.
It seems like there could be truth that the dark ones now mostly uses these kinds of exotic HD Torsion Weapons, with invisible attacks and control. 9/11,
Japan Fukushima, Haiti, All other Weather anomalies in the US and other places, also the aspect of playing other New Age and conspiracy Fear Porn cards like "Zacharia Sitchins"(On a mission from the Jesuits in the Vatican to spread Dis-info) Nibiru/Planet X or Elenin causing gravitational effects on the earth, earthquakes and severe weather and so forth. But in reality mostly manipulated by the dark side to keep up the Fear Porn and keep the Collective vibration low. I also think on the other side that there is a REAL cosmic tremendous consciousness change going on, mainly charged particles from the galactic center (or the Cosmic Rife Machine as some of you so eloquently described it). In this regards I highly reccomend Richard Hoaglands Facebook page, where he is actively researching and explaining that Elenin could not be a ordinary comet (he has astonishing data), in fact a very precise timed "EVENT" for our Ending of the Mayan Calendar by Oct 28 2011 and our beginning possible leap into the unknown of the New age.
Stay Tuned :D