Pleased to hear your'e enjoying reading it, I'm skim reading it at the moment trying to find the best bits, but it is very long so will take some time.
The extracts you provided are good to read, it would be good if you posted more of those in this thread as you find them.
It would be good to have a summary of all the ground-breaking and informative bits in this thread, or like you say condensed articles - ANYONE is free to post them
As for the translations, it was not simple to translate the book as I had to do 20 pages at a time as google translate seems to have a limit, I did try to find a way of doing 50 pages at a time but it turned out the translations got muddled and I had to go back to 20 pages.
The headings haven't translated very well, but they are ok in the contents at the back so i need to copy them from there at some point maybe if I get time.
Not sure what other translations I can do, most of what I read in russian is on webpages and i use google chrome browser to auto translate it, for example this has been quite a useful forum -
Members on there talk about 'vibrations' where their whole body vibrates while dry fasting for up to a day.