Taking the over-the-counter adrenal hormone, DHEA, will diagnose and cure Adrenal Insufficiency. This is an androgen, present in women, and men tolerate larger doses better, like 25mg. Women may use the cheaper DHEA in diagnosing their adrenal status, and doses of 5-10mg should be enough to test the effect. If you feel better in 20 minutes, you have Adrenal Insufficiency.
DHEA in the KETO-7 form should be taken by women as it will not form other hormones like testosterone that can lower the voice. DHEA/KETO-7 should be taken as needed to prevent the adrenals from getting totally lazy, and this is why it is vital it is used conservatively in those under forty.
Adrenal Collapse/Insufficiency is caused by stimulants: nicotine; caffeine; loud noises; and sugars. The adrenals need fats and oils and mineral salts to thrive. Feed the adrenals kelp, raw oils (excepting flax seed oil that blocks uptake of
Iodine to thyroid) and fats, like a good organic ribeye steak weekly.
Adrenal Collapse/Insufficiency is what was termed "Shell Shock." Natural recovery can take years. With repeated stressors, the adrenals just shut down. This leads to emotional lability, anxiety, panic attacks, and cold hands and feet. Try DHEA when confronting a panic attack. If you feel calmer 20 minutes later, that's the adrenals, not a mental disorder.
Candida aggravates adrenal collapse so get on a good Candida killing regimen, like using Caprylic Acid or Undecylenic Acid, or Silver Colloid to whack back magnesium-stealing Candida. Avoid sweet fruits and vegetables except bananas as this will not feed Candida. Treat for Candida if you have ever used
Antibiotics . God bless us with His health and may we stay patient and hopeful.