I think 79439 may be having a small joke with you, Gettinghealthy.
Personally I can't tell from the small pictures I see.
They look like full stool segments to me...unless you mean to point out the stringy things in the pictures.
People who examine their stool for parasites usually collect them in a colander, and wash them under running water until any larger parasites are clearly visible.
Some people don't see parasites at all, often only because the ones they have are microscopic in size, and not visible without magnification.
About the only way to be certain, that I can think of, is if you are feeling better.
Parasites are so common, all over the world, that our forefathers and mothers felt they SHOULD deworm themselves at least twice per year.
There is no need to feel alarmed about them...just take a few useful herbals, twice annually.
My best,