Wow, this is a really difficult place for you to be and for that i am sorry. For most people, fasting seems to have a wonderful ability to train them to desire healthy foods. While this has always been true for me, i have also done what i could to complete the circle... allow the fast to re-set my desires, but also for me to emotionally and mentally reinforce these desires in any way i could... somehow, some way to convince myself in every way that healthy eating is what i want (and will do) once i break the fast. If i am not already craving pineapple juice to break the fast i want to somehow make myself crave it (instead of a nice juicy big mac for example). I pray for it most especially, but an unbeliever could use other self convincing techniques, psyching themselves up in one way or another.
As you are well aware, it is so essential to be exceedingly disciplined in breaking a fast and the importance of this is intensified the longer the fast has gone. A really good rule of thumb is to break a water fast with a juice fast (predominately live juice but some fresh vegetable broth is good too), one day of juice for every 4 days of water... and to break the juice fast with 1 day of (mostly raw) fruits and vegetables for every 4 days of water+juice.
This discipline is in place for 2 essential reasons.
The first is that our digestive capabilities have been severely compromised (temporarily) from the beautiful rest they have been given and need to be very gently reawakened from this delightful slumber... a gradual process that will take many days (in the case of a 40 day fast the days become weeks). The horrors of emerging too quickly and over-challenging the digestive system are many and no doubt you have read testimonies about this.
A second essential reason for this discipline is to be in a place where the fantastic cravings which may arise (and probably will) can be tamed with very safe foods that can't wreak havoc digestively and otherwise. If i know i can only have juice when i feel a tremendous urge to gorge, i won't be in a position to accidentally eat 2 cups of mixed nuts, or 2 pounds of prime rib, something my cravings might very well lead me to (it all starts with the first bite and getting a taste for it can really ignite the craving, bringing it to an alarming level). If i feel like gorging and this leads me to drink a "quart" of "water-diluted pineapple juice" instead of the one cup serving that would have been a better choice, how much harm have i done?
10 days of juice only and 12 days of fruits and vegetables only after a 40 day water fast will tame our appetite during that precarious period where our cravings may be fantastically out of control... and will prevent us from making choices which carry disastrous consequences.
Naturally, following this easing out period, we want to engage in a program of immensely healthful eating which includes a lot of nutrient rich (nutrient dense) vegetables and fruits, especially those that are raw.
edit: a few days after making this post i was reading some Shelton and came upon this "supporting quote".
"My experience agrees well with that of Carrington, who says that after a long fast the faster is ravenous and "eating must be kept under control at all costs for the few days during which it lasts." He adds that after the first few days, if controlled, "the extreme" voraciousness will disappear and "will not return." He refers to this period as the "danger period," and says that, once it has passed, there is no longer the desire "for the great bulk of food which previously existed." He points out that there is also the absence of the pre-fasting "craving" for "hot, or spicy, or stimulating viands."
"This agrees well with my own experiences and observations. The period of hunger that follows a long fast lasts two weeks and more. The patient continually complains that he is not getting enough to eat. He will gain in strength and weight, he will feel good in general, but there will be that persistent demand for more food. It is not wise to try to satisfy this demand; to do so will invariably lead to overeating and often to trouble. The demand for food will be satisfied by moderate eating in two weeks or less in most cases, after which the patient will no longer be troubled by the persistent hunger. Patients who refuse to control their eating during this period, but who eat on the sly and fill up to their belly's content, commonly put on weight very rapidly, the face and other parts of the body becoming puffy, indicating a water-logged condition, and, in all cases, they undo much of the benefits they derived from the period of abstinence."
Hi 113096 :),
"so you think that even considering all the days that i fell off the fast and ate that 10 days of juice and 12 days raw is all that i will need to do to fix my system."
I am not an expert, but i believe that your remaining 12 days of water-only will more than fix what you have done and the 10 days of juice + 12 days of fruits and vegetables would more than keep you out of trouble and begin your re-feeding in the safest, healthiest possible way.
"what do you think about eating popcorn, i have been told that it is like raking the intestines (in a good way) and do you think that that will sufficiently break up all the leftover waste in my intestines?"
Personally i think of popcorn as a grain, a complex carb like rice or wheat. As such, it would not be a part of my juice fast, nor my fruit and vegetable "fast". (also when i say vegetables, i don't mean potatoes). Popcorn may or may not be a great way to rake the intestines, but i still feel that for 22 days after breaking the 40 day water fast, it is too digestively challenging a food, not to mention a food that could ignite temptation and easily be abused.
So happy to help and seeing your excitement and new-found hope makes it all the more rewarding :).