...But, I don't know the answer.
From my experiences over the past two years, I would guess that many people notice an increase in any 'sluggishness' they already have...due, not to Humaworm, but to the size of their parasite load, parasite toxins, and toxic deposits already in their systems.
And, NOT that any of that is your 'fault'. We begin to learn stuff about our particular bodies as we turn toward 'cleansing'.
Other people have a tendency to 'diarrhea'.
I would guess that neither 'reaction' would be particularly 'good' for colitis or any other 'problem'.
However, HumaCleanse, for the bowels is very gentle and moderates bowel function.
You could consult with some kind of an expert. The very mention of 'psyllium' will get their immediate attention and you will hear their opinion, chop-chop.
Whatever you decide to do, I would do it very slowly, at first.
Your amazing body is already working flat out, to moderate whatever conditions it already encounters.
Any sudden and radical change will only bring you more stress...which you don't need, thank you very much.
However, if you do exactly the right thing for you, at the speed your body most appreciates...you will be rewarded with a lovely feeling of well-being...even if you still have a way to go.
That feeling of better 'balance' is your body telling you, "More of the same, please! And then I need..."
That's how we learn...our bodies always 'know', and they tell us. We only need to listen!
So, follow your instincts...ask wherever you can, and then follow your best instincts.
Stephen is the one who will be shipping your order, and will likely notify you on shipping day.
I think that is their system, and I know he is very good at his job....from speaking to him about my first order which ran into a change in procedure within the Canadian postal system.
Stephen bent over backwards to 'fix' the astonishing 3-week delay.
It was my own reluctance to pay a huge 'change of address' fee that inadvertantly caused a two-week delay in the arrival of my second package.
Now I order in plenty of time for whatever 'delays' the packet may encounter, and I don't worry about it.
I know I am in competent and caring hands, with Humaworm.
I mean, who else could have gotten back on their feet so fast, after the fire?
Who else would have wanted to try?
Me, I'd have been sitting on a log bawling my eyes out, long after R.G. and friends were hard at work rebuilding...and succeeding.
R.G. told us then, that the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.
He said a mouthful there!
You know, I'd gladly hold your hand while you get well, if I possibly could.
But I just can't guess what to tell you that would be useful.
(Maybe doctors have the same dilemma, even with all their reference books.)
I have never been you, and know nothing of your make-up, or of your needs.
I am only just beginning to learn my own, after (mumble) decades.
But, I sure as heck care. I hope that helps, as you sleuth out your own solutions...what your body automatically knows, inside.
My best,
Name: Stephen
Title: Ordering/Shipping Department
Email: order@humaworm.com