knowledge seeker
if you would like to email me, I can get you to the place to find many of his formulas and how to make them yourself. I save about 90% making them myself..yes they are not as great as his which are 99.9% organic and pressed on huge machines to get every drop, but I have heard making them yourself is 2nd best and most likely stronger than most things you can buy on the market.
Although organic is certainly best as it contains several times the pytochemicals that cure and prevent disease, I have had results (for instance removed mucoid plague using even conventional herbs bought in the bulk in my food coop. Plus one can make them 50-75% herbs to 25%-50% menstrum (vodka) and they have a much stronger composition than most tinctures on the market some of which use just 10% herbs or just let them sit less than a day before straining and bottling.
I save Schulze for the few formulas that I can't make easily. By having the exact proportions in his formulas, you can get some idea of the info you are seeking I think.
Email me and tell me to send you the info on how to make tinctures and the schulze formulas OK.
Yes his are IMO, the absolute best tinctures out there, but this does not mean ones you make yourself at less cost are crap..they aren't