Hi, thanks very much to Southernn Belle and Vance for their advice. I have been reading your threads and know you are experienced swishers!
20 mins! thats a long time to be able to hold the oil in your mouth without gagging or swallowing, but I will try tomorrow morning. I want to include it as part of my cleansing as I believe my body to be a toxic pit!
Southern regards the
Liver Flushing every 2-3 weeks?...I had planned to do so but some other members have advised me to spend the next month
parasite cleansing before flush nr 2. There is NO doubt I have
parasites as I accidentally swallowed 4 goldenseal capsules a few days ago and following 3
water enemas and a
coffee enema I have passed worms up to 1.5ft!!! 3 in all!!! Plus loads of tiny flukes etc. Do you think I should go ahead with flush nr 2 in 2 weeks or do a
parasite cleanse first?
Thanks to everyone on this forum for their support. It is a fantastic place to learn and share experiences and hopefully get to a state of health and happiness eventually.
Love and good health, R.x