This web site is the most amazing.
I have what I believe to be severe hypothyroidism ,with severe adrenal fatigue, heavy metal poisoning and some kind of serious hormonal imbalance.
I am on a detox for the heavy metals. But there has been something soooooo off in my system, some days I feel likemy body will just stop and I will die. That is how serious it feels!
I went yesterday and bought Kelp (Fucus vesiculosus) but I have no idea how much is too much. I believe my deficiency is serious...I get serious pressure in my pituitary the first few days before my period. I am being my own doctor and needed to try some
Iodine right away. I cant get an accurate basal temp because I roll around so much in the morning before I remember to take the temp!
I immediately felt better after the kelp. I took 6 pills right away. The pressure in my brain and excruciating pain dissipated right away.
But I do not know how much to take. I have read about the arsenic and the iodoral an d Ludgol's or whatever that is called, but right now this Kelp is what I am taking..and I do not know if I should believe that about arsenic anyway. The bottle says 150mcg of
Iodine per pill... The company says it is 75ppm per pill.
How much is a safe dose so I do not over do it?
Thanks so much for your time.