The dentist should provide you with a list of things to do post-op to help with healing.
1. Do NOT drink from a straw!!!! Cannot stress this enough! This causes pressure in the mouth and may cause the blood clot to come out or be damaged. As long as he rinses everytime he eats/drinks the areas will stay clean.
2. Eat/drink what he feels comfortable with. Anything soft is great, I would avoid sharp foods like chips or crackers for a while just because they can pinch the area.
3. Keep the area clean. Brush your teeth like normal, and then rinse your mouth several times to clean the extraction sites. Do NOT spit, just let the water fall out. Pressure spitting may delay healing.
4. Avoid smoking, carbonated drinks, mouthwashes, alcohol for at least a week.
5. Bed rest and plenty of fluids! He may be groggy the day of, just take good care of him, make sure he stays off his feet for 1-2 days. No lifting!
6. Swelling. To help prevent this, you can use a cold pack or ice (20 min on, 20 min off, repeat) for the first day. Warm heat after the first day. This will reduce the swelling of the area and will make him feel better/heal faster.
Overall, the worst thing that can happen usually is a dry socket. This just means the blood clot becomes damaged. If this happens it will majorly increase healing time and will HURT! Rarely happens, but just something to avoid. Everything I mentioned will help prevent this complication.
Again, your dentist should provide you with good post-op instructions. If he doesnt, be sure to ask!