I've had/have folliculitis on my underarms, legs, and bikini line. My underarms have gotten better - I use a two-blade razor and shave every other day with fragrance-free Aveeno shave gel. There are still a few bumps that, while they gotten smaller, won't go away. I've had a cyst removed on one side, which was basically an ingrown hair gone disastrous.
I use a depilatory (Veet) on my legs and then slather on Cortaid right after and then AmLactin daily and while it's messy and not perfect, it yields a better result than shaving or waxing (I tried to get my legs waxed once and it was a disaster).
So, the one area that's left is my bikini line. I used to get it waxed at a very nice spa, but my skin was still kind of iffy. Suddenly, it just freaked out. I let everything grown out and haven't done anything for months and months, but the folliculitis has stayed put. Finally, I went to a dermatologist who prescribed Bactroban cream to apply, twice a day, for two weeks. I'm coming close to the two week mark and I've seen absolutely no change which worries me because isn't it supposed to make the folliculitis at least SLIGHTLY better?
So I'm planning on making another visit to the derm. But my questions are: have anyone of you used Bactroban cream and seen nothing? Got anything prescribed at a derm's that's worked? Any at-home remedies that have at least slightly improved your folliculitis?