Hi jvizme,
I'm not a medical doctor, and can only tell you what my son's doctor prescribed for him. He only prescribed the neomycin for 7 days, and the lactulose for 1 dose which produced diarrhea and thoroughly cleaned out his intestine. This was the goal. However, if you see that the lactulose doesn't give you the diarrhea to clean out your intestine, then you should take it until you get that desired effect. Be careful because usually the diarrhea is uncontrollable and kicks in the following day. Try to do it on your day off where you can be at home near the bathroom. My son did repeat the lactulose the following week and then every 2 weeks, and finally once a month, until his odor went away. I guess it wouldn't have hurt him to have extended the neomycin a little longer, as the odor took a couple of months to go away. Perhaps with a longer treatment of neomycin, he would have had faster results. I don't really know. Nonetheless, we know that there is a window of 7 to 30 days for this med. This neomycin treatment is a one-time deal only, so you shouldn't be repeating it.
About the probiotics, you definitely should begin taking it after your 1st gut cleansing with lactulose. The brand name he uses id Jarrow Formulas, Enhanced Probiotic System (EPS), Jarro-Dophilus. They are enteric coated vegetarian Capsules that contain 8 species, including Bifidobacteria longum BB536. Even though it claims to be Room Temperature Stable and no refrigeration required, I make sure that my Health Food Store has kept it in their refrigerator, and I keep it in my refrigerator.
I posted in this forum http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1211835
and in my blog a research project I did in the FIU library on probiotics http://mpdela.blogspot.com/2008/07/barron-report-probiotic-miracle.html where it explains the 'die off rate for probiotics' and how it is highly recommended to keep it refrigerated as long as possible to try to keep the living organisms alive.
The article ends with a final note: "...there is a chance that you will precipitate a die-off of bad bacteria in your intestinal tract. This can lead to gas, stomach rumblings and cramping for up to three weeks." So if you feel any of these symptoms originally, keep taking them until the die off process ends (not more than 3 weeks). Just keep in mind that it is the healing process. Then it should all go to a healthier state. My son was finally able to wear a belt afterwards when he had not been able to do that as far back as he could remember because his lower abdomen was always so bloated and painful. He takes one or two pills of probiotics daily and plans to keep taking them as long as possible, preferrably forever.
Here are some more posts on probiotics/prebiotics in my blog: http://mpdela.blogspot.com/search/label/probiotics%2Fprebiotics
Good luck with this!
Hi jvizme,
I remember you now, CONGRATS ON YOUR TWINS! I'm so happy for you. You must definitely have your hands full :) IT'S YOUR TURN TO GET NURTURED NOW :))
I'll be happy to email you and anyone else interested in a low choline/low protein diet a list of foods and their choline content that I hope will be helpful to you. Just email me your request at mpdela1@gmail.com and I'll send them to you as attachments. Many people have told me that they find it helpful. I believe that all those fruits you are referring to are very good. You can expand your diet significantly, and these articles that I can send you as attachments will help you create your own diet according to your taste preferences.
Remember that you still need to consume some choline in your diet for your own nervous system and to prevent hair loss. I can also email you an article that addresses this need. You can make yourself a good size egg-WHITE omlettes for a good source of protein, for example, especially if you are working out and need extra energy as well.
Yes, my son still takes his Vitamin B2 and a multiple vitamin complex. Just read the content noted on the bottle because some of the Vit B complex include choline (usually Vit B50)
Let me know how you're coming along in this effort. All my love to you and your babies.
Hi kidsroc,
I've been told that feminine washes are very good because they are low in pH, and I don't mean the vaginal douches necessarily.
Since my sons and I have very oily skins, we use Olay daily purifying with sea salts and microbeads, which I dont always find in stores, so I buy it online. Actually, living in Miami and soaking in the ocean water, I have proven that sea salt are great for removing odor from skin and sinuses, so i would guess that any sea salt bath or wash would be very good.
About the NIH recommended regimen, remember that it first addresses the need to cleans the gut, kill the bad bacterial overgrowth with antibiotics and then to replace them with probiotics. This is what NIH recommends and the dosage my son's doctor told him to use:
1. LAXATIVES, such as LACTULOSE (2 TB once to cleans the gut within 24 to 48 hours. Repeat if total cleansing has not occured)
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/medmaster/a682338.html ,
as needed: decrease intestinal transit time may reduce the amount of trimethylamine produced in the gut. Be careful because you don't want to have accidents in the wrong places. Don't overdo it or you may become dehydrated with diarrhea. A simple intestinal cleansing every once in a while helps get rid of the bad bacteria overgrowth.
Lactulose comes in liquid form to take by mouth. It usually is taken once a day for treatment of constipation and three or four times a day for liver disease. Your prescriiption label tells you how much medicine to take at each dose. Follow the directions on your prescriiption label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take lactulose exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor. To improve the taste of lactulose, mix your dose with one-half glass of water, milk, or fruit juice
You can also use other laxatives, such as rubbing Castor Oil (an over the counter laxative) on your lower abdomen to produce intestinal cleansing. Be careful because you might produce a strong reaction, so make sure you’re near a bathroom. Castor Oil can also be used as a rub-on treatment for muscle tension and sprain. My father-in-law said that in his childhood days, it was used to soften the very tough leather on their baseball catcher’s glove – so it is very potent on the intestines just by rubbing it on the skin.
2. Suppression of intestinal production of trimethylamine: A short course of antibiotics to modulate or reduce the activity of gut microflora, and thus suppress the production of trimethylamine. Such treatment may be useful when dietary restriction needs to be relaxed (e.g., for important social occasions), or when trimethylamine production appears to increase (e.g., during infection, emotional upset, stress, or exercise) Antibiotics recommended for trimethylaminuria to suppress production of trimethylamine by reducing bacteria in the gut:
•neomycin – (500mg tabs 1 tablet every 8 hours for 7 days) appears to be the most effective in preventing formation for trimethylamine from choline. This kills off most of the remaining microflora after the gut cleansing with lactulose. Another sufferer said that her doctor prescribed it for 30 days. NOTE, that you would need to be replacing your gut microflora with probiotics (the good microflora) to re-populate the gut with the proper healthy microecology.
• metronidazole - alternate antibiotic
• amoxicillin - alternate antibiotic
3. PROBIOTICS, to replace the gut microflora with “friendly bacteria.” Acidophilus, is found in some milk products, yogurt, and even in pill form. HOWEVER, MAKE SURE IT HAS BEEN KEEP IN A COLD STORAGE, because the bacteria dies in warm room temperature. If you buy it from the pharmacy shelf, the room temperature made it worthless. Usually, the pharmacist keeps it refrigerated. See label 'probiotics' in this blog for more information on probiotics.
Regarding the odor not being gone after 5 days, please be patient, as it takes a couple of months for all the smelly toxins to leave your body. Just think how long it took to build them up in your blood and tissue, possibly years? Rest assured that your body will try to eliminate them, especially when it detects that you are no longer giving it more and more of the same compounds it cannot metabolize. In fact, as your body attempts to secrete these volatile compounds through your sweat, breath, urine, vaginal discharge, and feces, you may be even smellier at first, and then eventually, you will find that it begins to diminish slowly but surely.
Just keep in mind that the whole NIH regimen needs to be well orchestrated with everything being done correctly for it to work fastest. If not, it will just take longer, until eventually you modify it to correct it.
Also, regarding the bad breath, I highly recommend a tongue scraper that you can get at any drug store in the section where they sell oral hygene stuff like dental floss, etc. Then, after scraping your tongue, you can brush your tongue after brushing your teeth with the same toothpaste. Then use Orajel antibacterial mouthwash for bleeding gums. Do this tongue scraping twice a day indefinitely, and yoI've see a marked improvement.
Here's some info on a very good online article from the Journal of Cntemporary Dental Practice. It presents presents three studies carried out from 1992 through 1997 on the source of volatile sulphur compound (VSC) production and tongue coating. It highly supports the practice of tongue scraping for the longer lasting reductions in VSC levels. It identified several malodourous bacteria, such as Bacteroides, Fusobacteria spp., Peptococcus., and Peptostreptococcus, amongst the prominent cultivable microbiata. In the previous page, there is an article entitled, Fundamentals of Breath Malodour, The Role of Substrates, it explains the composition of saliva and the effects of an increased pH. TMA has an alkaline pH of 9.8, whereas the average pH range of both urine and saliva is approximately at 6.4. I think that since lemon juice has a pH range of 1.8 to 2.3, it would stand to reason that putting a few drops of sugar-free lemon juice various times a day on the dorsum of the tongue after tongue scraping in an effort to decrease the pH, thus creating an unfavorable environment for bacterial overgrowth. On the other hand, it's also imptorant to not let the lemon juice stay on your teeth for an extended period of time, as it may be harmful to the tooth enamel. I hope it helps. María
Recent studies implicate the dorsum of the tongue as the primary source of VSC production both in periodontally healthy and diseased populations. These studies demonstrate (1) that removal of the tongue coating reduces VSC production and (2) when comparisons are performed in samples of mouth air following tongue scraping, tooth brushing, and rinsing with water in subjects with malodour, the longer lasting reductions in VSC levels are followed after tongue scraping.(1)
Various authors have tried to reproduce the halitosis process in the laboratory by incubating saliva under different conditions. Saliva consists of a complex mixture of secretions from the salivary glands together with multiple species of bacteria, desquamated epithelial cells, leukocytes, and food remnants. Under healthy conditions, saliva does not have an odour. When its pH is increased, however, it turns into an increasingly putrefied odour.(2)
(1) http://www.thejcdp.com/issue008/sanz/12sanz.htm
(2) http://www.thejcdp.com/issue008/sanz/11sanz.htm
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 2, Number 4, November 15, 2001, Fall Issue