my wife often gets calls from her kids...........
i guess no animal was safe on the farm from what has came out.......
the 13 year old boy told his sisters last week that when we was younger, his dad educated him on how to have sex. i guess he beat his mother in front of this boy and then had sex with her after she was beaten down....the sisters asked why he took so long to talk and he said he was scared and wouldn't tell the story to anyone else...
her name is mary byler,(note: in the amish, there are hundreds of mary bylers) she is still under lock up at an amish/minnanight counselling clinic in pa where the amish make their laws and inforce their ways...
the church told her to forget/forgive an have sex every day or she was not a christian woman....the church helped sell the house, because the man relocated in northern ohio. the realator stopped by and told the kids to pack the house up and get out by next week, the oldest girl is 20 years old and she told the realitor that he was crazy and 4 church families came over and started forceable moving the house hold, so we have no clue what they did with the kids, because thekids said the church told them they have "anger" problems and trying to re-brain wash them into loving the amish church.
when you unveil the old order amish along with many religions in this world, their original goals were to beat down the women, only differance is the minninights/amish still often do it and the women so backward they accept it as normal.
i assume mary has zero, i will assume in the amish church, just like the catholic church, the females own nothing. my wife asked if mary was ready to leave the church and you kids too and they said mom said to hang in there.....she has some illusion that she will be accepted and her husband not and she still doesn't get it......the men are on his side 100% and the men rule the entire amish religion...they educate their boys to have sex every day nd their women often have a child every 11 months unil they die and the men often have 2-3 wives and 20 kids. the kids owe the dad until they are about 30 and then set free to start their on there own. the kids join the church abput age 12-14 or anytime after that and then owe the church all their days what ever the bisop declares.
i would put these bisops right up there with the popes, they sale their people out to the government experiments and what ever it takes to have the tax breaks and be able to treat their femals and kids the way they want. no one is above the law, unless they play the government game.
mary is only a small example of the amish/minnanight ways which are all german religions that settle in groups in the usa.