I'm inclined to think that the uptake in energy (from supplementing iodine) has something to do with the cortisol production - I've definitely experienced this. Cortisol production has so many factors, environmental, conditioned response, neuro-chemical and then, of course, there's the actual detox mechanism.
I think that when you're supplementing with
Iodine that will detox a myriad of chemicals and toxins - if your adrenals are speaking to you - they're telling you that your cue is full. Taper back and let your kidneys drain. If one's adrenals have awaken enough to talk to you - they've had enough.
I don't believe that means that the
Iodine is the culprit (not that I believe it's the cure all either). I know that as many ickies are stored in the kidney/adrenal system that part of that is detox and it's cleansing reactions. The truth is, though, if the cleansing reaction were coming from your bowels or liver or the 'kidney pinch', it would be clear that one needed to back up off their expressors (whatever protocol they were on) and let their cue clear. That must be true for any protocol and any organ.
My cortisol has begun spiking again the last few days and I've been on
Iodine for four months now (lugol's and now a bit of
Lugol's +
SSKI ). I'm taking appropriate measures to nourish them and bringing back my iodine intake while my adrenals catch up. The last thing I want or need is to go back to having adrenal exhaustion - that juice is not worth the squeeze, I'll tell ya.
Incidentally, I doubled my blue-green algae, went back to B vitamin and started doing Qi Gong again - specifically a quick exercise for leveling out the adrenals. It's helped quite a bit.
Remember kids - your adrenals are your crossing guards. If they turn on - look for oncoming cars. They're there to warn you of danger. Now if they're stuck in the 'on' position in the first place, yes, gentle detox is definitely in order. Just don't play in the street, blind-folded with scissors. Adrenal fatigue sucks, period.
btw, 'O', I send ya a p.m.