I have had SVT's (possibly atrial fib) diagnosed as well as Ventricular Arryhtmias on Stress Test ECGs, I experience the SVTs usually doing athletic activites and especially if consumption of alcohol took place the day before- twice this went on for quite a while and I could feel my heart trying to get back into rythm but not being able to until several minutes passed. The Ventricular episodes usually occur when I'm cooling down from an activity like running and they are brief. Echos have shown a mitral valve prolapse, a mild tricuspid regurg, and a slightly enlarged right ventricle.
I am now experiencing new symptoms that are constantly occruing and very scary, first is my heart sputters and chokes if I simply submerge myself up to my neck in water, or if I get up from laying down, I've woken up in the middle of the night with it beating out of my chest, and it beats very hard and rapidly from mild exertion like walking down stairs. I also get horrible chest pain usually under my arm and around the front of the pectoral, this can last days and the one time I went to the ER
nitrates did not alleviate it.
However the most difficult symptom now is a feeling that the heart is seizing or stopping, but only on one side if that makes any sense, sometimes it's mild and the sensation can only be described as like the feeling of sqeezing a full sponge, a kind of slow draining, but other times it's sharp and hard and feels like the heart is stopping. This happens all day and just eating or drinking something can cause it to get worse. This cannot as of yet be identified, we failed to catch it on an echo, nuclear and CT show no reason for the chest pain.
If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate the input, I will say that I have several other health issues- degenerative disk in the neck, arhtitic knees, shallow breathing/shortess of breath, a myriad of undiagnosed symptoms such as constant burning in the mouth, skin ulcers, constant feeling of prickling around face and nose, mental confusion and some others. I feel as though there is somthing systemic happening, my limited knowledge combined with searching leads me to something like a mycoplasma or other difficult to diagnose pathogen, but i don't know. I am in my late 20's and this all started in my early twenties.
Also I see many of these symptoms in other people, I am certain it is something communciable, and likely responsible for the huge nimbers of people out there with similar heart problems.
Thank you for any thoughts.