that comment of yours is powerful — and devastating. the classy, local fitness club i tried out for a week, even (insensitive) i could sense the air was not real healthy. i suppose they keep the club zipped up to save on air conditioning. i'd never thought much about breathing your own carbon dioxide in a sealed home but clearly it's real dumb.

the old clay book you mentioned, was it 'the healing clay' or 'our earth our clay'? i read the first — a girlfriend owns it. there are used copies of both books at alibris.com.
this sounds just too wonderful —"The end result is you just eat this mixture slowly and the side effect is you have no use for foods. You get the minerals your looking for, so hunger is a thing of the past. It takes very little and some days you want nothing. My first experiment went extremely well and many things happened and I just have not gotten back to it. I have a few things I want to add to this the next time I make it....".
i was so so so hungry today before breakfast i was astonished! — and i ate a whole coconut yesterday — plus an ounce of almonds. i guess coconut oil increases your metabolism so you end up really hungry 12 hours later. i would 'die for' "hunger" being "a thing of the past"!
here's an idea for the name of your next variation of the longevity formula: the green man's fountain of life. do you know about 'the green man'? here's a bit from online:
"A legendary pagan deity who roams the woodlands of the British Isles and Europe. He usually is depicted ... peering out of a mask of foliage, usually the sacred oak. He represents spirits of trees, plants and foliage. It is believed he has rain making powers to foster livestock with lush meadows.
...he has been seen as a symbol of Life in Death and of Death in Life.
Nobody knows his real significance and yet-everybodywho sees him understands without knowing that he represents something very deep and very important. For such a blatantly Pagan image to have persisted in Christian churches all over Europe surely implies a tremendous power and significance.
The Green Man has been the Earth Father complement to the Earth Mother Gaia ... or Maya."
your phrase, "...many things happened..." and report, "In higher doses you can do many things" are intriguing!