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Nickel Crowns Replacement

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Nickel Crowns may be causing cancer.   by #56153   19 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Dr Huggins, D.D.S:

"More than 75% of the crowns placed today are nickel, and that is present in braces. Here we call it stainless steel. So they put that in children, and what happens? You see teenage behavior that may not have been there a few days before the braces were put on.

At the University of Colorado when I was nearly 50 years old I went back to take a degree in immunology because I could see I was affecting the immune system. The first case we studied, we took a woman and put braces on her. We did all the sophisticated testing, we put the braces in, and then the patients ends up with big bruises on her thigh.

How did they get there? Well, a little sloppy dentistry, but these are huge bruises, no trauma involved there. Emotional things, a lot of change. Sleeping patterns, the first thing to change in an immunological challenge?

Yes, big changes there. Things begin to look a little uncomfortable by day 3 so we took the conventional blood test, and what did I find? Nothing I could identify at that time, but this was 10 years ago. Today I could identify it, then I couldn't, but things were still getting worse, and that afternoon we did the T subsets over again and what did we find? Immune system shutdown. I mean the T4's were zero, the T8's were zero, T11's were zero. All of these things may not have a lot of meaning, but I can tell you zero is not where they should be. Within a few hours of death. We decided maybe we better take the braces off. The patients was for it, the faculty was for it, I was for it, I mean this was my wife we are talking about so it is not a real scientific case. So we took the braces off and the immune system came back-in 3 moths we were almost half way back where we were 3 days before. It does not recover overnight.

And I have other records on my desk where they did not take the braces off on the fourth day, and the reports show the same changes in the white blood cells, the same changes in the red blood cells, the same changes in the body temperature, everything is identical except when we get to day 4 and the braces were not removed, that was the last date that was entered on the autopsy reports, because these kids died, as they can with what is called the chrome crowns. That is a cutesy little term, chrome crowns, but these kids, I see them in the airport all the time - and I see little kids with tri-focals on, glasses about that thick. When did you have your chrome crown placed? I see people pushing along in a wheelchair. I wonder when did you have your root canal done? Because root canals so far have turned out to be one of the most vile things that I have ever run into, and my life for the last 20 years has been with a lot of vile essence.

In California we found a woman who had some nickel crowns placed, she ended up with a specific type of breast tumor and she went through the lumpectomy, she went to the support group afterwards, and she said to me you know my husband was talking to this guy out in Colorado about nickel being carcinogenic.

-What does that mean?
-That mean it produces cancer.
-Do you suppose there is any relationship between my crowns and my breast tumor?
-Another woman in the group said - well I went to Dr So and So dentist down the street here.
He put nickel crowns in my mouth and a couple of years later I came down with this same tumor you have got.
-She said - that is the same dentist I went to.
-And then we found a third woman who had the same crown, the same tumor, the same dentist. Same day we found a fourth woman with the same crown, the same tumor, the same dentist.
Then we found a fifth, then a sixth.

Is this suggestive of the need for further investigation? Or should we cover it up?
Are there really 100,000 women in the state of California growing breast tumors as a result of their nickel crowns right now as we are sitting here today? Is that a possibility? And you know what? They paid for that. They paid to have that done
Now, is there anything in the scientific literature on this?
Dr Moss was mentioning someone talking about 1000's of articles.
Yes, there are 1000's of articles on nickel being a carcinogen.
There are not thousands, but maybe hundreds of articles showing that nickel does something else. After nickel gets the cancer going how do you keep it under control?
You keep it under control with one of the white blood cells called a natural killer cell, the NK cell. What does it do?
It goes out and it kills off the cancer cells. Now all the rest of the immune system has to ask somebody. The B's have to ask the T lymphocytes, and so on, everything is a committee in the immune system, except the NK cells.

There is cancer---bang. They don't ask anybody. These are nice guys to have around. What does nickel do? It suppresses your NK cells. So nickel starts the tumor, then takes away your defenses system. Is that nice? No, that is not nice. That is not nice to put on children aged two with their chrome crowns. That is not nice to put in our teenagers, or adults, with braces. It is not nice to use as crowns and bridges just because you save ten bucks. Is it worth ten bucks to go through breast surgery? If you feel that way have it but be informed ---if you want mercury in your mouth, if you want nickel, OK, but how many people in this room have nickel crowns in their mouth?

How many people have nickel crowns put in their mouth when they paid for gold crowns?

It is estimated that 50% of the dentists put in nickel crowns and charge the insurance companies, or charge you for gold. Nickel does not cost the same as gold. Nickel is not as safe as gold.

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