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Can lack of iodine cause thyroid problems?

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The thyroid depends heavily upon iodine.   by jfh   17 year

     Iodine is the essential ingredient in thyroid hormone synthesis. So if deficient, protein synthesis will be disturbed. Thyroid hormones have two major physiological effects. They increase protein synthesis in virtually every body tissue and increase oxygen consumption dependent upon Na+ -K+ ATPase (Na pump). The thyroid gland needs Iodine to synthesize thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), hormones that regulate metabolism and steer growth and development. Thyroid hormones are essential for life as they regulate key biochemical reactions, especially protein synthesis and enzymatic activities, in target organs such as are the developing brain, muscle, heart, pituitary and kidney; thus Iodine is critically important to the developing fetus.

Iodine transport damage can be corrected, in part, by administration
of reasonably high doses of ascorbic acid or more natural Vitamin C.

     The thyroid hormones are synthesized in the follicular cells of the thyroid. The first step to hormone synthesis is the import of Iodide into the follicular cells. Thyroid hormone regulates mitochondrial protein synthesis through the stimulation of synthesis of mitochondrial protein synthesis modulators, and that the tissue specific modulators (stimulatory in liver and inhibitory in kidney) can be produced by the hormone. [xiv]  Whole body Iodine sufficiency is a critical means to counter the side effects of thyroid hormone medications (Synthroid, etc.). Long-term use of these drugs is associated with depletion of thyroid and tissue iodine levels, as well as increased rates of cancer. All thyroid patients should be on iodine therapy.  
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