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BROMIDE DETOX~ what are the symtoms?

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Bromide detox may be occuring if your mental state changes by Citingsources   by wombat   17 year 1 of 1 (100%)


When Iodine detoxes bromide into the bloodstream symptoms of bromide toxicity may be experienced. If you are feeling crazy or having dark thoughts that seem very reasonable, consider that your bloodstream may be "drugged." This is the reason to start slow with Iodine and familiarize yourself with the "iprotocol." See the citations below.
Poisoning & Drug Overdose, 5th Ed. (book)

Topics Discussed: bromide poisoning; bromides.

Excerpt: "Bromide was once used as a sedative and an effective anticonvulsant, and until 1975 it was a major ingredient in over-the-counter products such as Bromo-Seltzer™ and Dr. Miles' Nervine™. Bromism (chronic bromide intoxication) was once common, accounting for as many as 5–10% of admissions to psychiatric hospitals. Bromism is now rare, although bromides occasionally are used to treat epilepsy. Bromide is still found in photographic chemicals, as the bromide salt or another constituent of numerous medications, in some well water, in bromide-containing hydrocarbons (eg, methyl bromide, ethylene dibromide, halothane), and in some soft drinks containing brominated vegetable oil. Foods fumigated with methyl bromide may contain some residual bromide, but the amounts are too small to cause toxicity...."



A bromide psychosis is one which starts during bromide intoxication and clears up fairly soon—usually several weeks, though sometimes longer—after discontinuance of the drug. Four varieties of bromide psychosis are known:

1. Simple intoxication, marked by dullness and mental sluggishness, with good orientation, and without delusions or hallucinations.

2. Delirium, marked by disorientation, thinking disturbances, mood disturbances (usually fear), delusions, hallucinations and other symptoms.

The first two varieties are well known; the next two are not.

3. Hallucinosis, which differs from delirium in that orientation is intact.

4. Schizophrenia, a psychosis of predominantly paranoid coloring which, to the examiner who does not know the history and laboratory findings and has not yet seen the outcome, has all the earmarks of an "ordinary" paranoid schizophrenia, from which it differs only in that it is a transient psychosis which has supervened during bromide intoxication.

Sometimes a bromide schizophrenia is accompanied by disorientation, a symptom which does not belong to the schizophrenic picture. In such cases it is believed that the bromide schizophrenia came first, and that delirium ensued subsequently because the drug was not stopped. Such cases are to be distinguished from those "ordinary" schizophrenics who, because of pre-existing psychotic symptoms, start taking bromide and take it long enough to become delirious. Anyone who takes enough bromide may become delirious, and there is nothing remarkable when this happens to an ordinary schizophrenic. It is quite different with the patient who was not manifestly schizophrenic until bromide made her so.

Bromide schizophrenia differs from bromide delirium and hallucinosis in the following respects (leaving aside for a moment the basic difference between delirium and other psychoses in respect to orientation):

1. Bromide schizophrenia occurs by preference in persons with strong schizoid leanings, while delirium and hallucinosis show no such preference.

2. The characteristic schizophrenic disturbance of rapport is not found in delirium and hallucinosis.

3. The content of the schizophrenia, as in any ordinary schizophrenia, has a flavor of the bizarre: ideas of influence and mind-reading, ideas of electricity and somatic distortions are apt to be prominent.

4. In schizophrenia the patient's delusions and hallucinations are marked by heightened self-reference, which is not the case to the same degree in delirium and hallucinosis.

It is concluded that bromide intoxication has the power to bring to the surface a latent schizophrenia, which, when favorable conditions have been restored, may once again go into hiding. In this respect bromide intoxication resembles many other intoxications.

It is wise to examine the serum for bromide routinely in every acute psychosis, rather than to do so only "when indicated." If the test is not made routinely, one will overlook some cases, for sometimes one does not suspect a bromide psychosis until an unexpected recovery has opened one's eyes, at which point it may be too late to verify the diagnosis chemically.

Symptoms of Bromism

Bromide intoxication, from prolonged consumption of excessive doses of bromide, may cause protean symptoms, particularly psychiatric, cognitive, neurological, and dermatologic. Symptoms may be incorrectly perceived as "psychosomatic" (Pelckmans, Verdickt, et al., 1983), or may lead falsely to other diagnoses.
Psychiatric symptoms may include, in the earlier stages, disinhibition, self-neglect, fatigue, sluggishness, impairment of memory and concentration, irritability or emotional instability, and depression. Symptoms of more advanced disease may include confusion but occasionally schizophrenic-like psychotic behavior or hallucinations in clear consciousness. Behavior may become violent, especially at night. There may be severe auditory or visual hallucinations, or both. There may be clouding of consciousness, including stupor and coma (Horowitz, 1997; Fried and Malek-Ahmadi, 1975; Wacks, Oster, et al., 1990; Carney, 1973).

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Bromoderma   by wombat   17 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Bromoderma: A skin eruption brought on by chronic exposure to bromine. Essentially an allergic reaction to bromine. There are diverse sources of bromine exposure including brominated vegetable oil, a commonly used emulsifier and flavor carrier in food products. Bromoderma is a form of bromism.
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