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DISEASE STATES~ CANDIDA~ Can iodine therapy help?

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Iodine & Candida ~ Dr. Orian Truss   by wombat   17 year


Please follow the links for more, I've cut and pasted pertinent info. The second link details how deficiencies of iodine, selenium and antioxidants may give rise to candida.


Dr Orian Truss

In 1953 Dr Orian Truss discovered the devastating effects of Antibiotics in an Alabama (USA) hospital. During a hospital round Truss was intrigued by a gaunt, apparently elderly man who was obviously dying. However, he was only in his forties and in hospital for four months. No specialist had been able to make a diagnosis. Out of curiosity Truss asked the patient when be was last completely well.

Lugol's Iodine The man answered that he was well until six months before when he had cut his finger He had received Antibiotics for this. Shortly afterwards he developed diarrhoea and his health deteriorated. Truss had seen before how Antibiotics cause diarrhoea. It was known that Candida was opportunistic and thrived in debilitated patients, but now Truss wondered if it might not be the other way round, that Candida actually caused the debilitated condition.

He had read that potassium Iodide solution could be used to treat Candida infestation of the blood. So he put the patient on six to eight drops of Lugol's solution four times a day and soon the patient was again completely well.

Soon afterwards he had a female patient with a stuffy nose, a throbbing headache, vaginitis and severe depression. To his amazement all her problems immediately cleared with Candida treatment. Some time later he saw a female patient who had been schizophrenic for six years with hundreds of electroshock treatments and massive drug dosages. He started treating the woman for sinus allergies with a Candida vaccine. Soon she had recovered mentally and physically, and remained well.

From then on he treated his patients against Candida at the slightest indication of its presence. Many of his patients made remarkable recoveries from most unusual conditions including menstrual problems, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, autism, multiple sclerosis and auto-immune diseases such as Crohn's disease and lupus erythematosus.

Every experienced naturopath can relate similar success stories. Ironically, antibiotics are usually not necessary in the first place. In a few per cent of the cases in which they are necessary their serious after effects could easily be avoided using fungicides and lactobacilli.

Many people doubt the effectiveness of natural therapies against apparently serious infections, but my experience leads me to believe that frequently natural therapies are more effective, without causing the repeated and chronic infections seen after antibiotics. I have seen patients who have been unsuccessful on long-term Antibiotic treatment recover within days or weeks with natural therapies.


1. Iodine deficiency causing defective free radical generation.

Most people who do not regularly eat seafood (either fish or kelp) or use iodized salt have some degree of Iodine deficiency; this can also occur as a result of a low-salt diet. These individuals may become hypothyroid and hypometabolic, because iodine is an essential ingredient in thyroid hormone. At the same time they may become more sensitive to yeast infections, due to inactivity of the myeloperoxidase enzyme, which uses iodine in cell mediated immune function. The iodine is used by this enzyme to product iodine-free radicals which are part of the cellular anti-yeast “free radical artillery”. (3) Previous to the use of nystatin as an antifungal drug, iodine therapy was successfully used to treat yeast infections; however, one must be very careful with the dosage. People who are sensitive to various foods and chemicals are frequently intolerant to iodine and should only use it in very low dosages.

2. Selenium deficiencies limit cellular immunity against yeast.

Phagocytes (cells active in cell-mediated immunity) require selenium for the enzyme glutathione peroxidase function. Peroxidase activity in phagocytes is higher than in most other tissues (approximately twice that in red blood cells), and this is reflected in a higher need for selenium. The glutathione peroxidase system is an antioxidant enzyme system and is especially critical for phagocytic cell function. It has been experimentally demonstrated that selenium deficiency selectively causes a predisposition to yeast infection

(4). Food and chemically sensitive patients should start with very low doses of selenium - according to a “selenium titration program” developed by Dr. Alfred Zamm, M.D. and myself.

3. Other varied antioxidant deficiencies.

Antioxidant nutrients include: ascorbic acid, vitamin E, riboflavin, pantothenate, glutathione, taurine, cysteine and minerals such as copper, selenium, zinc and manganese, which function as coenzymes such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. Antioxidant nutrients and enzyme defenses are fundamental protectors against all forms of stress. They are critical during infection. Cysteine is a sulphur containing amino acid, which acts to internally bind together antibody molecules. Other antioxidants, including those above mentioned, are especially important with regard to cell-mediated immune function which requires that cells become activated in what is called a respiratory burst in which large amounts of iodine radicals, superoxide and other oxidizing species are directed out from the cell membrane as artillery to kill invading organisms. Simultaneously the cell generates antioxidant protection intracellularly to protect itself against the back diffusion of hydrogen peroxide (protected by the glutathione peroxidase system) formed from the primary radicals it produced. The primary killing of yeast is accomplished by these radicals an hydrogen peroxide, and the immune capacity of the host cells is limited by its ability to produce intracellular antioxidant defenses to protect itself from the oxidants. This amount to a very simple but effective method of waging war against pathogens. This phagocytic activity appears to be the major factor in limiting the spread of infection by opportunistic fungi. (5) The simple attachment of the hyphae of the yeast activates the oxidative metabolism of the phagocytes which sets the respiratory burst in action.
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Dr. Roby's Testimonial on Electrodine for Yeast Overgrowth by Julieuma   by wombat   17 year


Copied from the Global Light Network newsletter from last week:

Dr. Roby's Testimonial on Electrodine for Yeast Overgrowth

I wanted to let you know about my results with some of your products. First, I’ll give you a little background on myself. I’m an M.D. in Amarillo, Texas. I graduated with honors from Texas Tech University School of Medicine, where I was the Chief Resident in my residency program. I studied emergency and internal medicine at the University of Alberta Medical School in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I was the first recipient of a scholarship from Texas Tech to study Chinese Traditional Medicine and acupuncture in China at Jinan Medical College in Canton, China. I also received a research fellowship from the American Heart Association to study mechanisms of hypertension under one of the world’s foremost researchers in the field of hypertension, Peter Pang Ph.D. I have been involved with research since 1981, when I was involved in researching the effect of chromium on diabetes.

Not long after starting to practice medicine as a trauma doctor, I started to have health problems. Although I was a tri-athlete, I was beginning to have problems with high blood pressure and weight gain. Not long after, I also developed arthritis. My response was to try to treat my hypertension and Arthritis with the medications I’d been taught were appropriate for those “diseases.” The blood pressure medicine caused fatigue, Depression and erectile dysfunction, and the Arthritis medicine caused stomach problems. These two negative events made me reflect on what I had learned in China and prompted me to start to seriously investigate natural therapies.

By implementing natural therapies, I was able to cure my Arthritis (I developed a formula that actually causes cartilage to re-grow naturally) and my blood pressure. Once I had cured myself, I was ethically committed to at least offer natural therapies to my patients. This caused me to have to go back and get a whole new education in natural therapies. I did this with such a commitment that now I am a highly sought-after consultant and lecturer on natural therapies. My specialties are bio-identical hormone replacement, including thyroid hormone, and treatment of patients with the yeast syndrome. Every Tuesday I have my own radio show where I discuss natural therapies.

My 15 years of experience with people with the yeast syndrome and years of following the conventional medical literature have led me to my hypothesis about yeast overgrowth being central to the causation of most chronic medical diseases. The medical literature has firmly established that inflammation is a common denominator in diseases such as stroke, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, auto-immune disease, diabetes, depression, cancer, obesity, hypertension and a long list of other “diseases.” Inflammation, by definition, means that the immune system is reacting to a perceived threat that has a different cell biochemistry than normal human cells. Although many researchers have evaluated many bacteria and viruses for an answer to this immune system activation, none has come up with an answer.

The yeast hypothesis merits serious consideration, because it answers so many questions regarding the epidemics of disease we face here in the U.S. This hypothesis lets us know why all these diseases are made better or worse, depending on the glycemic index of the diet. It explains why women are more susceptible to these diseases. Since yeast are opportunistic organisms that flourish as immune function declines, it becomes obvious why these diseases are seen more as people age.

Researchers at Mayo Clinic have made the connection with at least one disease. They discovered that sinusitis, an inflammatory disease, is caused by yeast 96% of the time and cured by anti-fungals.

My treatment protocol now is based on reducing the fungal (yeast) load in a person’s body and restoring biochemical balance with nutrition, nutrients, and bio-identical hormone replacement. I routinely evaluate products for their ability to kill Candida yeast, as this is the predominant yeast in humans. Your Electrodine killed yeast unlike anything I’ve ever seen. In the pictures I sent, the comparisons are with Diflucan, a well known, highly-effective prescription antifungal and Iodoral, an Iodine supplement that has worked very well for myself and my patients.

In defense of the Iodoral, it needs stomach acid for activation, and this was obviously an in-vitro experiment. Not so, however, with the Diflucan. I have switched to the Electrodine myself and will be putting all my patients on it as an anti-fungal as well as for Iodide replacement, critical for thyroid function.

You are welcome to share my results with other doctors and customers. The results with the Magnesium Oil are fantastic also, but that’s another letter.

Roby Mitchell M.D. (Dr Fitt)

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Iodine & candida   by wombat   17 year


There's a lot to argue with in this article, but good info here nonetheless:

Iodine: The Candida Killer!

Eby G

"Perhaps the world's cheapest, most traditional, and best anti Candida agent is the simplest. It is iodine. Yes, I am describing the same Iodine found in "tincture of iodine" that your mother used to treat your cuts and scratches when you were a child. Because Big Pharma drug companies have re-educated us to believe that the fancy new (expensive) Antibiotics are better and safer than (dirt cheap) iodine, we have lost sight of the one truly miraculous and completely natural antiviral, Antibiotic and antifungal agent. Nothing is likely to beat Iodine in this regard. However, Big Pharma marketing has taught us that we shouldn't tolerate the deep, long lasting stain that Iodine causes when applied to our skin. Yes, iodine will stain your skin, but when used properly that stain can be of enormous value to you in your battle against Candida. Scientists say that if you apply a several-inch round stain of iodine to your skin, say to your belly, that if it disappears within 24-hours, you are iodine deficient. Well, I tried that and my iodine stain always disappeared within 6 to 12 hours, and I am clearly not iodine deficient. Marketing has also taught us that iodine in excess is dangerous, that it can mess up our thyroid. Physicians, especially surgeons, for many years world-wide disinfected multiple square-foot size areas of skin with iodine prior to major surgery, sometimes resulting in toxic overdoses of iodine. Excess iodine can also damage our thyroid function causing either reversible hypothyroidism or reversible hyperthyroidism. However, the benefits of proper use of small amounts of iodine are so enormous that iodine must never be neglected or discarded or disrespected, or we will pay dearly! And we are paying that price.

"How does one use iodine to battle Candida? If the Candida infection is intestinal, then we must treat the intestines either through the oral route or topically. That iodine is anti Candida is clear from this report. What I found works extremely well for me is to take 3 mg Prolamine Iodine tablets from Standard Processes with each meal and at bedtime for about 3 weeks, but never for longer than that.... I repeat! Never take 3 mg iodine tablets for longer than 3 weeks because that dosage for longer than 3 weeks can interfere with thyroid function. I could not find this product when I first started to research iodine, so I added a few drops of Strong Tincture of Iodine 7% to a full glass of water and that worked well too. Iodine can never be swallowed straight (it is poisonous straight) and it must always be highly diluted. The taste of a single drop will provide clear evidence of that! From what we have read about Candida Albicans becoming resistant to various antifungals after a single week of treatment, one could hypothesize that such would also be true for iodine. Thus, there would be no need to treat for more than a week. However, in this article, are the words "All Candida Albicans strains tested showed similar susceptibility to the medicaments tested." This suggests to me that Candida Albicans is totally responsive to iodine, and that even if mutations occur, such is irrelevant to efficacy of iodine. However, in me after 3 weeks of 12 mg of iodine per day, I noticed that my body temperature has fallen a full degree, suggesting mild hypothyroidism. Worse, as one might expect from this figure concerning hypothyroidism and low magnesium, I notice a strange low level Depression and malaise that just lingers and smolders, not evident to other people, but clearly evident to me. Time to get off of iodine and continue in the search for a perfect anti-fungal...."

"How about using iodine to treat other fungal infections? How about oral thrush? Well, scientists treating AIDS patients in Kenya, disappointed at the lack of efficacy and expense of antifungals (Contrimazole, Amphotericin B and Nyastatin) have turned to dirt-cheap two percent Povidine Iodine mouth washes (Betadine iodine) with astonishing success. Read the abstract here. All they did was gargle with it. How often is not stated, but it appears that they gargled for about 30 seconds whenever they noticed a return of mouth odor. Iodine is clearly their antifungal of choice, easily surpassing the efficacy of these expensive "FDA proven" anti-fungals. Here is a link for "betadine gargle". Nearly all of these products warn "DO NOT SWALLOW". Too much iodine is toxic, so be careful. Here is a google search for "betadine" and "oral thrush". Bite the dust Nyastatin!

"Obviously, after waiting a few months from stopping anti-candida treatment with iodine, one can return to use of iodine, perhaps as a 3 mg tablet / day as an irregularly-taken food supplement. Please note that the RDA for iodine is 0.150 mg/day (150 micrograms/day), although I personally believe that higher doses of iodine can be very beneficial to some but not all people. No one knows why some people can not tolerate large (therapeutic) amounts of iodine, but I believe that it is because they are too magnesium deficient to handle it. I am daily reminded that the Okinawans who live to be 120 years old eat much kelp, which is high in iodine (10 to 20 mg iodine per day) and taurine, and they also get very large amounts of magnesium from their foods. Another effective anti-Candida treatment is to apply tincture of iodine to the skin so that it can be absorbed from the skin and not the intestines in an equivalent dosage. I calculated each drop of Humco Strong 7% Tincture of Iodine to release 1 mg of iodine when applied to the skin using its special applicator. I am amazed at how fast 10 drops of iodine disappears into my skin (about 6 hours), while it seems to stay for several days on other people's skin. I am not certain that the "24-hour" test is valid. I think that if there were no other treatment available for Candida infection, iodine would be a fully acceptable choice, if the thyroid remains unaffected. Since there are other treatments that should be tried first (unless one is truly desperate), and because one can overdose on iodine, I mention it last. Obviously, if Candida infection is topical, perhaps genital, iodine might be used directly to treat the infection, but some experimenting with strength would be necessary. Bright red groin area rashes are usually Candida Albicans infections, and they should be aggressively treated with topical iodine in my opinion. Tincture of iodine is too strong for application to genitalia without stinging and possibly burning, and one must dilute it with water, perhaps in a 1 to 10 or 100 ratio. The only use of iodine (Lugol's solution) to treat genital Candida that I found in the literature was in mares. Be careful! Repeated application may be necessary. A final thought. Have you noticed that use of Antibiotics causes Candida suprainfections? Have we made progress? Big Pharma thinks so. Check google for "iodine" and "candida".

"Ionic zinc is also antifungal, and dietary supplements of zinc can also be helpful in treating candida infections. According to this article, it works synergistically with iodine. How much zinc? ... Just don't take more zinc than will make you nauseous or more than one milligram per pound of body weight a day (2.2 mg/kg) for more than a month."

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