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Immuno-Augmentative Therapy

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IAT is an immune-system-enhancing therapy   by #56153   19 year

IMMUNO-AUGMENTATIVE THERAPY, or IAT, is a cancer therapy that has been developed by a biologist, Lawrence Burton, Ph.D. Over the years Dr. Burton and his IAT have been embroiled in conflict and controversy. The U.S. Government's OTA report on alternative cancer therapies called IAT "one of the most widely known unconventional cancer treatments."

The closing of Burton's clinic enraged his patients and their families. Many of these people joined to form the Immuno-Augmentative Therapy Patient Association (IATPA) and began to lobby members of the U.S. Congress for help. The controversy over IAT was primarily responsible for persuading Congress to order the OTA study of alternative cancer therapies.

Dr. Burton's clinic continues to operate successfully in the Bahamas. He does not claim that his immuno-augmentative therapy is a cure for cancer. Instead, he believes that IAT is an immune-system-enhancing therapy that is often successful in controlling cancer. Although Burton's results have not been independently verified, the IAT patient brochure claims that from 50 to 60 percent of the patients experience a reduction in tumor size, and that many achieve long-term remission.

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