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Iodine, insulin resistance & overweight   by wombat   17 year


How To Tell If You Need More Iodine:

"One of the first indicators is belly fat in men. When the abdominal muscles disappear under a layer of fat, a pot belly, insulin resistance or syndrome X is present. In women the fat also occurs on the hips. The medical literature is finally talking about this fat as a major indicator or symptom of underlying risk to cardio-vascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and all the inflammatory diseases that plague industrialized societies. If you have excess “belly fat” you are at risk to all of the above as well as sub-clinical hypothyroidism resulting from Iodine deficiency. Frequently experienced additional warning signs of low thyroid function due to Iodine deficiency are a tendency to be cold when everyone else isn’t, low energy levels, dull hair, weak fingernails, depression, and overweight that resists diet and exercise. Finally, the ultimate way to tell if you need more Iodine is to do the “iodine patch test” in the comfort of your home. Instructions can be found in the article, Iodine and Fibrocystic Disease in the Newsletter section of

After doing the iodine patch test it would be prudent to test your thyroid. You can do that at home too, very inexpensively. Instructions for the thyroid temperature test can be found in the newsletter article entitled Thyroid. There is a simpler alternative home test that is available by calling me on the Health Help Hotline between 10 and 1, Tues., Wed., or Thurs., at 800-888-4866 or 816-753-4866.
The Results Of The Trial:
I am pleased and excited to tell you that the results of the clinical trial of the new iodine/iodide supplement have been outstanding. I have had one type II diabetic eliminate the use of injectible insulin and lose over 50 pounds while making no other changes in diet or lifestyle. This corroborates Dr. Brownstein’s results and gives us another tool in helping stabilize and sometimes correct this disease that has risen to epidemic proportions. I have had numerous phone calls praising the supplement for creating new hair growth and adding luster to previously ”mousy” hair, and an equal number of calls praising stronger nails. A fair number of patients experienced a noticeable difference in degree of depression, and for some the change was sufficient to eliminate medication. Eliminating the pain of fibrocystic breast disease was one of the most noted responses, but that was expected because of prior experience with iodine alone. The most frequent improvement was in available energy. Almost everyone noticed an improvement in energy, with many claiming the improvement to be much more than ever expected.

The worst area of response was in the category of weight loss. Although the weight loss that occurred from taking the supplements was significant, it wasn’t outstanding or what most of the subjects had hoped for. However, working with a number of Weight Watcher clients that were unable to get past a plateau, I found that adding the iodine/iodide supplement got them over the plateau and back to losing weight, but it took diet and exercise changes to accomplish their goals. I guess the lesson is that for most of us, there is no simple solution to the weight we have gained via poor lifestyle choices, and it takes the effort of diet and exercise to correct the problem. The folks who were on the Weight Watchers program, however, were delighted to find something that would get them off the plateau and back to losing again. Obviously, iodine/iodide supplementation is not a simple solution to weight loss, so although supplementation makes weight loss easier, I'm not sure anything will make it easy.
Using The Right Product Safely And Effectively:
Unfortunately there are many iodine products on the market that don’t work, and I’ve tried many of them. The product I used for the test group was called Iodoral, and it was $50.00 a bottle. I had it sufficiently duplicated to maintain its effectiveness and still reduce the cost by 40%. Preventics Iodine/Potassium Iodide, 180 caps, is only $30.00 a bottle. The push dose is 4 caps a day, and I suggest you work with me on the Health Help Hotline to achieve the right dose for you. I answer the phone on Tues., Wed., and Thurs. between 10 and 1 at 800-888-4866 and 816-753-4866, central time."

More at the link:)

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