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COMPANION NUTRIENTS~ What is the purpose of Vitamin C & sea salt in iodine therapy?

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on vitamin C & seasalt by Wombat   by wombat   17 year


Hey folks, here's some more info on the "why" of Vitamin C and Sea Salt . In a nutshell, Vit. C assists in the body's detoxification at a cellular level & assists in dispacing heavier halogens from iodine's receptor sites. Sodium Cloride assists in removing the halogens from the kidneys and out of you! This therapy was developed to correct a defective cellular transport system for iodine. IMO, in our bromidated, flouridated, chlorinated goitrogenicated world, we can all probably use all the help that we can get to displace the heavier halogens.

From :


"For the first time, evidence that the administration of vitamin C improves a defective cellular transport system for Iodine was reported. (39) So far, every case of Iodine transport inefficiency we had studied, has responded to a complete nutritional program, including several grams of vitamin C. Iodine alone in daily amounts of 50 mg or more is also effective in cases of Iodide symport inefficiency."



"Approximately 4 months ago, she was placed on Vitamin C sustained release (Optimox C-500) at 3 gm/day. She continued the every other day iodine 12.5 mg. Prior to Vitamin C administration and 3 months after, the serum profile of inorganic Iodide levels was obtained following a load of 50 mg iodine/iodide. The pattern of serum inorganic Iodide levels prior to supplementation with Vitamin C is displayed in Fig. 1. The profile of serum inorganic iodide levels obtained in 6 normal female subjects is superimposed for comparison. The sharp peak of serum iodide at 32 mg/L at 1 hr post load, followed by a rapid drop suggests that the gastrointestinal absorption of iodine was very efficient but she was unable to transfer efficiently the serum iodide into the target cells. Following 3 months on Vitamin C, the same test was repeated. The data presented in Fig. 2 revealed a normal profile of serum inorganic iodide levels. Her baseline serum inorganic iodide increased from 0.016 mg/L to 0.42 mg/L and she retained 50% of the iodine load (49.2% recovered in 24 hr urine collection), compared to 10% of the load prior to supplementation with Vitamin C.

During the post Vitamin C loading test, serum bromide was measured in the serum samples collected for the iodide profile displayed in Fig 2. Serum bromide levels were markedly elevated with a pre load level of 143 mg/L and values increased up to 202 mg/L post load (Fig. 3). The 24 hr urine collection contained 192 mg bromide. Serum bromide levels reported in normal subjects 20 years ago ranged from 3-12 mg/L (8.9). Since chloride increases renal clearance of bromide (10,11), the patient was told to ingest 10 gm of sodium chloride/day (in the form of Celtic Sea Salt ) for 7 days. This resulted in a bromide detoxification reaction. The patient became very fatigued. In addition, she developed facial and body acne, most likely due to mild bromism. However, one positive response to the chloride load was that urinary frequency decreased significantly during that week. This was the first time that frequency of urination became normal since the onset of Graves’ disease five years ago."


Please note that the above article does note "SUSTAINED RELEASE" Vitamin C. That definition absolutely includes Ester-C, I'm not sure on the buffered. Illumination on that point requested...Here's some info on "Ester C"


A more focused study of Ester-C's effectiveness was performed recently in San Diego by Dr. Howard Hunt, Professor Emeritus of the University of California San Diego, and Dr. Thomas Rice of the Life Management Group with a group of men enrolled in a corporate fitness program. They wished to see if Ester-C would significantly increase tissue levels of vitamin C in infection-fighting and immunological cells, as measured by uptake of ascorbate into the white blood cells.
Their research plan was very similar to that Dr. Wright's earlier study. The subjects began with two-week washout period to stabilize their vitamin C intake at low levels. Group 0f 18 men each then received a one gram oral dose ascorbic acid in one of the three product forms: ascorbic acid, Ester-C calcium ascorbate, and the Ester-C ascorbate with a standardized 3 percent calcium threonate level. White blood cells were isolated from blood samples removed at intervals of 0,1,2,4 and 24 hours from the time of administration.
Hunt and Rice discovered that, with time, the ascorbate from all supplements steadily accumulated in white cells, but that Ester-C ascorbate and the Ester-C with added threonate reached levels of 300 percent and more than 400 percent, respectively, above the final baseline level attained with ordinary ascorbic acid. They concluded that Ester-C calcium ascorbate/threonate complex provided a superior way to build vitamin C reserves in the important immunocompetent cells of the blood, even using modest levels (one gram) of supplementation. The standardized threonate group showed further intracellular increase of ascorbate; this is the subject of ongoing studies.
At present, the weight of evidence concerning the Bioavailability of Ester-C seems to indicate it is different from that of normal vitamin C, and it is appears to benefit from the presence of the threonate and other vitamin C metabolites which help improve its absorption and tissue uptake. Dr. Verlangieri's work on the influence of threonate on the absorption of vitamin C metabolite which is present in Ester-C enhances absorption


And some info on salt...check out this link, really good info


The increased consumption of salt to ca. 30 grams,.. over and above the minimum physiological requirement, had a striking result which might be of some importance. This additional salt intake changed the bromine ratio in the diet because crystallized salt used for food preservation has a chlorine-to-bromine ration of over 2000:1, that is, it contains almost no bromine. As bromine has a sedative effect on the human nervous system one might speculate whether the new circumstances of bromine reduction stimulated greater activity and advance.
" It was not until mid-1988 that medical journals began to publish the results of this massive effort, the Intersalt Study. These findings showed a scant relationship between sodium and blood pressure. "Salt has little importance in hypertension" headlined the accompanying editorial in the prestigious British Medical Journal. The Intersalt researchers measured urinary electrolytes and blood pressures in 10,079 individuals in 52 centres in 32 countries using standard methods and analysing the samples in a single laboratory. The head of the American Heart Association's Nutrition Committee and member of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee summarised: "We're trying to back away from our salt recommendation without looking like fools."
Quote from......... Low urinary salt levels linked with higher risk in men with HBP June 7, 1995 NR
Respected professionals take sides:


The results of an [MRBLOCH SALT Archive] investigation into the correlation of the Cl-/Br- ion ratio in the body shows the regulating mechanism in the kidney, counterbalancing the changes of salt diet, that retain bromides in preference to chlorides.

Plants have a high Bromide content in their halogenides.
Any salt free diet has a relatively high bromide content
Salt (NaCl) used as a condiment has little bromine
The bromide content of urine halogenides is always lower than that of bloodserum [twice as low]
The kidney reabsorbs bromide in preference to chlorides
Sweat and saliva, have a higher bromide content, than blood and urine. Sweating causes more bromide losses than chlorides, counteracting the reverse effect of the kidneys.

So, what I gather here is that if you restrict your salt, your body will hang on to bromides more efficiently. Kind of counterproductive, I think! "Also, As bromine has a sedative effect on the human nervous system one might speculate whether the new circumstances of bromine reduction stimulated greater activity and advance."...I believe that this is in reference to using sodium chloride in pure( table salt ) form, rather than Sea Salt . This website does sell a salt which contains bromide, a salt which is balanced. BTW, bromides are good, folks, just not in the extent that we've been ingesting them in lieu of iodine, our *friend* I'm not sure what historical time that refers to, either. Surely not modern times. Salt is GOOD! Eat salt!

Finally, this is from the book "Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It", by David Brownstein, MD., this portion is in reference to a patient suffering bromide detox symptoms(fatigue, headaches) on 50 gm. per day iodoral.

"...the iodine was helping her body excrete large amounts of bromide. During a detoxification process, the body's detoxification systems need proper support to ensure the toxic chemicals can be safely released without harming the body's tissues. I told Ellen to take large amounts of Vitamin C- 10,000 mg. per day as vitamin C helps all of the body's detoxification pathways function more effectively. Furthermore, I placed Ellen on 10 gm. of unrefined sea salt per day. The unrefined sea salt has chloride which can assist in the body's removal of bromine. In addition, the minerals in sea salt help the detoxification process. Ellen was also doing Epsom Salt baths(two cups in a tub of water) twice a week and taking a magnesium supplement(amount not specified)...Unless iodine levels are elevated along with the support of the body's detoxification pathways, the body will be unable to release bromide."

hmmm...dosing questions arise.... :)

So, there you have it folks!

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