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COMPANION NUTRIENTS~ What other nutrients are necessary when supplementing iodine?

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Vitamin B2 & B3 (Niacin) Replaced by ATP Cofactors   by grizz   12 year 2 of 2 (100%)

The ATP Cofactors Tablet has replaced Vitamin B2 & B3 listed above. ATP cofactors have the correct ratio of B2/B3 and the Non Flushing version of B3 (niacin)/

Take 1 tablet for the 1st 50mg of Iodine and then take 1 tablet for each additional 50mg of iodine.

Why take the ATP Cofactors?
Lynne Farrow Said:
* "I attended the first and second Iodine Conferences. Breast Cancer Choices was
initially skeptical of the value of the ATP Cofactors. But we've since found
from our own use, plus patient reports that they do increase the effectiveness
of the Iodine Protocol. The two specific B vitamins seem to open the cells to
oxygen and nutrient absorption plus aid in toxic excretion from the cells. The
ATP Formula includes a niacin, not a niacinamide. Inositol hexanicotinate is
wrongly thought to be a niacinamide but it is closer to a true niacin which
opens the blood vessels. The goal in iodine therapy is not just change the
physiology (function) of the organs but to change the anatomy (structure) of the
organs. Iodine-deficient adults have had a long time sustain damage to organ and
cell structure. The anatomy of the breast and thyroid sustains improved changes
over the course of iodine therapy. Those body parts need to be rebuilt by the
"opening up" of fluids and recycling oxygen to the organs. Anti-oxidants will
also help reverse some of this damage that is caused by oxidation. But the ATP
CoFactors "opens the windows" and clears out debris and lets oxygen clean house.
As a personal anecdote, when I tried the ATP CoFactors, I got a stiff neck so I
had to break it in half until my body got used to the circulation surge. I'm
sure someone could skip the ATP CoFactors but in our experience it delays

* "I would advise iodine-taking patients to take the ATP CoFactor formula from
Optimox otherwise you risk getting the dosage all wrong and may get the wrong
kind of niacin. The ATP CoFactors are part of the Iodine Protocol. They are
required for optimum results. You waste money if you take iodine without the
supplement that makes it work more efficiently.

Lynne Farrow
Breast Cancer Choices, Inc.
A Nonprofit Organization
P.O. Box 1567
Amagansett, NY 11930
Breast Cancer Choices - Innovative Research and Patient Advocacy

See Iodine References for Much more


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vitamin C, selenium, zinc, magnesium & protocol from updated: 10-26-07   by wombat   17 year 3 of 3 (100%)

Iodine Supplementation Protocol with Companion Nutrients
50 mg Iodoral minimum for Breast Cancer (may start with 12.5 mg).
Some practitioners may recommend another form of Iodine such as Lugol's
solution. Iodoral is the Lugol's formula in tablet form especially designed to
avoid gastric irritation.

Vitamin C - 3,000 mg per day (more may be necessary to detox bromide).

300-600 mg magnesium oxide or comparable magnesium supplement.

200 mcg selenium.

500 mg niacin twice a day. (NOT niacinamide) Start lower to avoid flush.

200 mg Vitamin B2 twice a day.

A comprehensive vitamin and nutrition program.


WHY Selenium, zinc, magnesium, chromium:


More nutrients that support thyroid health...we need these along WITH our iodine, folks! Personally, since beginning supplemetation of 200 mcg. selenium per day, my sleep patterns have normalized..and, from Vulcanel:

"Awesome. Selenium is definitely necessary, to protect the thyroid from peroxide-induced necrosis. I chew some yeast tablets that are spec'd to have 200 mics of selenium each."

Hair Trace Elements and Hypothyroidism - March 00

David L.Watts, Ph.D., Director of Research

Occurrence of Hypothyroidism

It has been estimated by Barnes, et al, that 40 percent of the American population suffers from hypothyroidism and is the most common complaint seen by doctors in their county.1 This estimation was made over 25 years ago and if we include subclinical hypothyroidism we can conservatively raise this estimation to over 50 percent. Severe clinical hypothyroidism is readily evident from blood test, however subclinical thyroid insufficiency is not easily detected through normal test. I have described subclinical hypothyroidism as a syndrome rather than a disease and is characterized by fatigue, depression, cold sensitivity weight gain and changes in the texture of the hair and skin.

Thyroid insufficiency affects females at a greater frequency that males. From our database of over 2000 patients submitted with hypothyroidism predominate symptoms, 90 percent were females. The reason for this gender difference ahs been discussed elsewhere and will not be reviewed here.2

Nutrition and the Thyroid

There are a number of nutrients that affect the thyroid. The most recognised being iodine. Iodine deficiency is associated with endemic colloid goiter a condition that occurred in areas of low Iodine soils prior to its prevention with the introduction of iodized salt. Idiopathic nontoxic goiter is identical to endemic goiter but is not associated with iodine. In fact, iodides can actually reduce all thyroid gland activities by inhibiting thyrotropin possibly by inhibiting the hypothalamus. Reduced thyroid activity is often seen even in the presence of normal iodine levels.3,4 A great deal of emphasis is placed upon iodine in assessing thyroid status, but there are many other factors that are important.

Iron and Vitamin A
Iron and vitamin A deficiencies are prevalent in areas of endemic goiter, although, iodine intake in adequate. It is now recognized that the response to iodine therapy is ineffective in the presence of iron deficiency. Iron is required for the conversion of L-phenylalanine to L-tyrosine and may be reduced by over 50 percent with iron deficiency. Many patients with hypothyroidism respond favourably to vitamin A therapy.5

Selenium, Zinc and Chromium
Selenium deficiency can contribute to hypothyroidism due to its involvement in the conversion of T4 to active T3. Selenium is a constituent of the enzyme 1 iodothyronine deiodinase (IDI) an enzyme responsible for the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver and kidneys, This enzyme is markedly reduced in selenium deficiency.6
Zinc influences the secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Therefore, zinc deficiency or a low zinc to copper (Zn/Cu) ratio can be involved in lowered thyroid expression.
A number of research studies have found an interaction between chromium and thyroid activity. The mechanism is not yet understood, however this association may be explained through tissue mineral analysis (TMA) patterns.7

Thyroid Antagonists
Goitrogens are naturally occurring anti-thyroid substances found in foods that adversely affect the thyroid. These are commonly known foods and therefore will not be discussed here. Other nutritional factors known to inhibit thyroid function include:

Elevation of the Ca/Mg ratio indicates a relative increase in parathyroid hormone as well as insulin productions. A reduced Zn/Cu ration indicates a reduction in progesterone relative to estrogen in the female. The relationship of chromiom and thyroid activity could be explained by chromuin’s effect upon insulin sensitivity. Reducing insulin levels would result in improved thyroid hormone activity. The increased cellular immune response common in the Slow Metabolic type could contribute to thyroid disorders due to an autoimmune response.
The greater the numbers of the above mineral ratios present in a TMA profile, the stronger that tendency toward reduced thyroid expression, It should also be noted that these ratios would be reversed in hyperthyroid conditions.

Psychophysiology of Thyroid Disorders Brain Hypothyroidism
The relationship between thyroid dysfunction and psychiatric disorders has been recognized for over a century and described in cases of myxedema and cretinism. Depression is one of the major symptoms accompanying hypothyroidism. However, other conditions associated with hypothyroidism accompanying mood disorders include:

Excessive Sleep Pattern
Loss of Appetite
Weight Gain
Poor Memory
Decreased Sex Drive Reduced Interest
Poor Concentration
Reduced Sense of Pleasure

Fatigue is the most common physical symptom associated with Depression and results from a diminished thyroid function. The basal metabolic rate of a person with hypothyroidism can be reduced as much as 40-50 percent below normal. It is therefore not difficult to understand the relationship between thyroid status and the health energy continuum.

The thyroid has a significant role in regulating central nervous system (CNS) development and function, and is known to affect cerebral metabolism in adults. Thyroid hormones regulate brain functions via its interaction with the catecholaminergic system and affects synaptic levels of norepinephrine uptake and its receptors. In most patients suffering from depression, the serum levels of TSH, T4 and T3 are within the normal range. However, even with a normal systemic thyroid status, a patient may actually be suffering from "Brain Hypothyroidism".10,11 Reduced cerebral thyroid expression could therefore, contribute to a host of psychological symptoms. This would explain why many patients with psychiatric conditions respond well to thyroid support, since there are extensive T3 receptors in the brain. The effectiveness of serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI such as Prozac® may be effective in some patients due to the drug’s effect of increasing the availability of T3 in the brain. Conversely, thyroid hormone increased the brain content of serotonin.8

Meng stated that "In the majority of cases, the symptoms of hypothyroidism develop slowly and as a result, they often are not recognized or are misjudged for a long time. In the case of subclinical hypothyroidism, an indication for treatment does not exist in all patients. In cases of doubt, therapy can be initiated and discontinued after 6-12 months when there is not therapeutic effect."12
Early treatment of patients with physical and psychological symptoms of hypothyroidism may help in preventing progression to an overt hyperthyroid condition. TMA can provide insight to individual thyroid status and aid in modifying diet and nutritional intake to prevent the long-term and chronic condition associated with hypothyroidism. Therapy can aid not only in Depression but in other thyroid related conditions as well, including, musculoskeletal disorders, fibromyalgis, chronic fatigue, cardiovascular disorder,13,14 diabetes15,16 and conditions associated with autoimmune responses.

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Boron/Borax is frequently called a Co-Supplment to Iodine   by grizz   11 year 3 of 3 (100%)

Why Boron/Borax?

It was not specified by Dr. Brownstein, yet many senior members of this forum suggest using it with iodine. He are some of the reasons for Boron:

  • Boron has a number of important functions that have only recently been discovered and have yet to be fully appreciated.
  • Boron was shown to have reduced the incidence of prostate cancer development by 64%.
  • Boron is vitally involved in bone metabolism, enhancing calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D
  • Boron Inhibits enzymes that mediate the inflammatory cascade and are pertinent to therapies directed against inflammatory conditions. Such anti-inflammatory capabilities of boron are clearly pertinent to its anti-cancer effect.
  • Boron mediates inflammatory conditions such as degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis. PGE2 and leukotrienes have been implicated in causing problems with joint swelling, restricted joint motion, and other arthritic complaints. (cures Arthritis pain )
  • Boron appears to play a significant role in human brain function and cognitive performance, and that it is an essential nutrient. 
  • Non Toxic: Doses up to 18 mg of boron daily appear to be safe for adults even if taken for prolonged periods of time. More details here:


Continuing the quote on boron from Minerals for the Genetic Code : "Boron is known as the calcium helper and for the metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Boron improves retention of both calcium and magnesium and elevates circulation of serum concentrations of testosterone.
Boron works in the body toward brain function, activates vitamin D, promotes electrical brain activity, enhances memory, and promotes alertness. Signs of possible deficiency include ADD/ADHD, osteoporosis, arthritis, fatigue, decreased motor function, decreased short-term memory, decreased brain function, and increased loss of calcium and magnesium in the urine."

I should add the reason this is relevant here is because Boron (-1) reacts with Fluorine, Bromine and Chlorine (-1) as per Dr. Orlee...NOTE: From other texts; Boron is best for neutralizing free floating Fluoride and Fluoride in Bones. It is actually the Boron in the Borax that is the active ingredient //

How to Cheaply Obtain & Use Boron for Arthritis

Reasons for Boron:

fluoride detox, candida, fungus; internal, topical, pain; muscular, joints, itching; eyes, skin, eye infections
frequent urination, enuresis UTI, libido increase, activates vit D, regulate the magnesium / calcium metabolism, protection against radiation, As important for the parathyroid as Iodine is for the thyroid.

"Continuing the quote on boron from Minerals for the Genetic Code :

"Boron is known as the calcium helper and for the metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Boron improves retention of both calcium and magnesium and elevates circulation of serum concentrations of testosterone.
Boron works in the body toward brain function, activates vitamin D, promotes electrical brain activity, enhances memory, and promotes alertness. Signs of possible deficiency include ADD/ADHD, osteoporosis, arthritis, fatigue, decreased motor function, decreased short-term memory, decreased brain function, and increased loss of calcium and magnesium in the urine." //


o Prevents arthritis: Boron is a successful treatment option for Arthritis and in more than 95% of cases significant improvement was noticed by bringing about effective calcium integration into the cartilage and bone. With increase in age the bones might become weak and porous and boron can stem this deterioration effectively.
o Reduces severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis : Boron greatly reduces the allergic conditions that are typically associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis .
o Used for body building in males: Boron is able to enhance the testosterone levels in males and this quality is increasingly being made use of by male body builders and athletes. Though some weight lifters prefer to take boron supplements as it enhances the testosterone levels, making them sturdy, no concrete evidence is available to drive home this point.
o Helps in bone building: The bone building capacities of boron are often ignored in favor of calcium. However, it is boron that works in unison with calcium to strengthen the bones. It plays a very important role in minimizing the risks of osteoporosis and arthritis. Boron helps in the metabolism of minerals that are involved in bone development such as calcium, magnesium and copper. Boron also affects the hormones of estrogen and testosterone that are also related to the overall health of the bones.
o Helps in production of estrogen: Boron might improve the production of estrogen in menopausal women, bringing back their sex drive within a few days of treatment. Boron increases the level of natural sex hormones in the body, thereby reducing the need for Hormone replacement therapy.
o Ensures proper embryonic development: Boron is essential in reproduction and development of fetus though not much information is available in this regard.
o Prevents post menopausal osteoporosis: Boron can ease the symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats that are typically associated with menopause.
o Useful in cancer therapy: Boron neutron capture agents are used for cancer therapy and in the development of strong enzyme inhibitors. Boron compounds are also used as antibody mimics that can easily identify biologically important saccharides.
o Helps to maintain proper cell membrane function: Boron plays an important role in maintaining transmembrane functions and in stabilizing the hormone reception.
o Helps in preventing blood clots: It is believed that boron can influence some of the blood clotting factors in the body. However, mores studies need to be done to authenticate this finding.
o Reduces congestive heart failure conditions: Boron can significantly alleviate the difficulties caused by congestive heart failure conditions.
o Lowers plasma lipid levels: Boron helps to reduce lipid accumulation and enables in the removal of cholesterol.
o Decreases the severity of fungal infections: Boron protects the body from a host of parasitic attacks such as Candida Albicans.
o Improves brain function and cognitive performance: Studies have shown that boron can enhance brain function, eye-hand coordination, short memory and concentration.
o It serves as enzyme inhibitors: Boron might inhibit some enzymes while serving as a cofactor for yet another enzymatic reaction.

Boron Cures Insomnia:

01/16/2011: Sheryl from Lawrenceville, Ga. Usa replies: "I have had insomnia for years. I have tried everything... Calcium supplements, melatonin, ambien, benedryl and much more. The ONLY thing that has helped has been Borax, taken as suggested by Ted. I started it for other reasons, but the most amazing thing happened. I slept well for the first time in many years. Give it a try... To all the nay sayers, Borax is only a mineral folks! I have had so many people scared of it, thinking it will harm you. I can testify that I have never felt better! Thanks for this website!"

This seems to be a major website for the Boron Supplement testimonials. Do a search of Boron, then Borax for a wealth of information:

Did I miss anything?



More on Boron/Borax here: Grizz
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Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

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”I have recommended it to family and friends already and am sure...

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Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”I have recommended it to family and friends already and am sure...

Hulda Clark Cleanses
Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenr...



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