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i take arenca folic acid ,prednisone,methotrexate does matt

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Using Oxygen Therapy While Taking Vitamins and Pharmaceutical Drugs   by Oxygenlynne   12 year

If you are considering starting an oxygen therapy program, yes, all of these vitamins and drugs will matter. Any of them can react with or cause conflicts with your H2O2.

You must know exactly what you are doing or you can also cause your body to produce super oxide free radicals which can be very dangerous.

But you have choices.

You can either:

1. Schedule your oral H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) doses around your vitamins and drugs, or

2. You can use oxygen therapy in any of the other 8-10 methods that are not oral (drinking).

I can show you how to do all of this.

This is why I started The Oxygen Therapy Consultation Program. It is a 1-year program where I teach you how to safely and effectively use H2O2.

Please let me know if you are interested or if you need some more information.

I am always available to help.

Lynne Gordon
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