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What is the best Rife machine or Bio feedback machine to purchase?

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Beam Ray Machine is Great and Lynn Kenny was very kind to me!!!   by #150592   12 year 3 of 3 (100%)

I own a Beam Ray Machine!
I have had one for going on 4 years now.

The owner Lynn Kenny was very nice and helpful as was his assistant!
They were always kind and professional.
And answered my questions!!!
Never asked for money to answer any questions..
I feel he really wants to help people!!

Any other person who states other wise.
Has issues of her own.

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Two beamray corp. machines for sale   by Thorsbolt   14 year 3 of 3 (100%)

I have been using Rife technology for ten years now with hundreds of people and have found the BeamRay to be the most effective especially when you want to work with more than one person.

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Still not convincing. Still not convinced by you. Still don't believe you.   by #95409   16 year 2 of 2 (100%)

I told you I have known Lynn since 1999. I personally know of hundreds, literally hundreds he has helped. I saw every "Rife" salesman from Philadelphia to California. Most of the "experts" I saw at the tradeshows at which I exhibited with my water and air purifiers from 1994 to 2002 were charletans or worse, with nothing more effective than Hulda Clark 's and Bob Beck's technologies. Dr. Rife's own words in an interview negate the contact-type units effectiveness. After seeing my sister's miraculous progress, every sister in my family and my parents and aunt bought BeamRays. My two-year old great-niece had a body rash that did not respond to any doctor's medicines or topical cream. Her mother, my niece, was at my home using my unit for candida while the baby ran in and out of the room. That night, the rash was gone. It never returned and my niece is now nine years old. Headaches, insomnia, enlarged prostates responded favorably. My first-grade teacher's husband suffered terribly from shingles, unhelped by doctors. They visited my parents only six miles away and used their unit many times. When his shingles disappeared, never to return, they bought a unit at retail. Why would they buy what they could use for free at my parents' home? My aunt, a retired nurse, allows people to come to her home, as I did. She owns four or five and loans them to needy people. Several medical doctors in her town come regularly. One of my own doctors sent people to me to use mine. I have never taken a penny from any of the scores who used my machine. I can name a hundred more from the last eight years. You had a bad experience? Cancer makes some people hyper-sensitive. They feel everyone owes them attention and concern. I understand that somewhat from watching my sister. I don't pretend to understand being given a death sentence. However, I have met cancer victims who were the biggest pains in the behind and hard to convince with the truth, for whatever reason (or pre-existing prejudice they held). If (and that's an "if") Lynn was short with you, I apologize for him, as he is human and can get tired or suspicious of all the people trying to trip him up for their own gain. He needs no defense, however, because I have seen him help people I would not. Some dishonest people bought a unit, eliminated their problem, and then returned the unit, claiming not to be helped. That would make me distrustful. There are a lot of guys trying to discredit him. They generally have their own technology to sell. Follow the money.

My personal experiences are true. You short-change yourself not to own a Beam-Ray. If you cannot afford one, get together a group to purchase one. Lynn continues to fund research and improve the unit. I have nothing to gain by you getting one; but, I wish you the best. Don't ignore the miracle because of a personality problem. Find one near you and use it secretly, if you cannot bring yourself to recant. Good luck and God bless!
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Lynn Kenny false smear   by #95409   16 year 1 of 2 (50%)

In my nine years of experience, I find the BeamRay from Lynn Kenny to be the best Rife-type device. I have known Lynn for almost nine years. He cares about people and helps many. My sister was dying with terminal Breast Cancer when I met Lynn at a show. I resent you giving an off-handed smear without data to back up such a statement. You may have caught him at a moment he could not give you all the attention you wanted; or, you may just be a rival in the field, concealing your identity. I'd be glad to hear from you. There are several honest researchers out there and a lot of fakes with cheap to expensive pieces of junk. I've met a lot of both, as I did health shows with various products for ten years. Lynn's research team cannot be surpassed and his devotion to this endeavor is heartfelt.
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biofeedback machine anyways   by jennifer417   8 year 1 of 2 (50%)

If the biofeedback machine can be programmed with the specific rife frequencies from the machine your going to be applying them with would be the best biofeedback machine.

Been there done that, it's for sale now.

I have my zyto listed on ebay with 15,000 rife frequencies programmed into it(they are microsteps of well known frequencies mostly in the 20-90khz range but they can easily be down converted to work with other machines.

The signals were taken from the pulsed technologies p3pro and p3 which have excellent included harmonics toward that MOR range.

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Where can I purchase a Lynn Kenny Beam Ray machine-   by Ardentangela   9 year 1 of 2 (50%)

I have cancer and would like to know where I can purchase or rent a beam ray rife machine, used or new. Thank you.
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Lynn Kenny....Beam Ray machine   by Pammey   16 year 0 of 2 (0%)

I belong to a Rife list and everytime I mention Lynn Kenny's machine all the experts that know what they are talking about say that the BeamRay is one of the least helpful rife-like devices they know of. Mr Kenny was very rude to me when I asked him a simple question. He told me he would charge me $500.00 to answer my question. To me he was rude and not at all caring. I am a cancer affected woman..I had a simple question. I am on disability and can not afford 500.00 to find out what program to use He is a greedy and unpleasant man. I am not a rival trying to get information as you suggested. You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Your resentment is useless and misdirected.
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Beam Ray and Lynn Kenny   by Pammey   17 year 0 of 2 (0%)

The guy that owns beam ray Lynn Kenny is not a pleasant person and is not interested in helping people.
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Good Rife machine   by elad69   17 year 0 of 2 (0%)

the best rife nachine i have found is the beam ray,LLC they are in birmingham alabama.. you can email them at this helps
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Best rife machine   by Craig Ryan   14 year 0 of 2 (0%)

I am interested in RIFE. What RIFE generator is the best? Does Dr Clark's Zapper work like RIFE machines? I have a limited income so I am looking for something that is affordable but still is not a toy.
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Re   by #132189   14 year 0 of 2 (0%)

I have just begun investigating Rife but my naturopath uses the True Rife machine and recommends I purchase it as he has had success with it. I am intereted in more comments from this group.
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Possibly mercury in Lynn Kinney's tubes   by userbxrifer   14 year 0 of 2 (0%)

Be aware there is possibly mercury in Lynn Kinney's tubes. This is something to find out if considering this unit. The BCX-Ultra Ray tubes do not use mercury. If someone is looking which Rife machine to buy then this is a good BLOG website that can help educate you .. look at Buyers Guide & Tips section...

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Rife Machines - what are they, and what do they do?   by #127204   14 year 0 of 2 (0%)

There are many manufacturers of "Rife Machines" in the US, and in other countries. Rife's technology appeared to work, although the claim that 14 cancers were "cured" is not exactly true; a year later the MD who did the 1934 clinic was unable to contact or locate most of the patients, and one patient came back to him in 1935 with, you guessed it, cancer. The MD sent the patient for surgery.

The machines do "work" to some degree, although the pathology is not understood. They may help stimulate the immune system, they may in some cases weaken the pathogens, we just don't know. Lab tests with bacteria have been ineffective in slowing the growth rate of cultures using these devices.

Pad machines: There are many types of contact pad machines out there, costing anywhere from under a thousand dollars to over two thousand dollars. For some types of problems, these seem to work well, as long as one doesn't mind holding onto contact cylinders for an hour every day, or somehow having the contacts attached. Another lower-cost version uses a PC or laptop computer to generate the frequencies, feeding that signal to an amplifier which then connects to contact pads.

Ray Tube devices: Ray tube machines are not in contact with the person, they're set up a few feet away, and require no actual contact - handy for sitting on a couch and reading! The frequencies often help one to go to sleep, so having a device which shuts off automatically is good. (The Ray Tube is similar to a fluorescent lamp, and usually is much shorter than commercial lamps. Some have large glass bubbles as part of the lamp.)

There are four different technologies used in this type of Rife Machine, costing from two thousand to seven thousand dollars. The lowest cost machine uses a car ignition coil and an audio generator and amplifier to ignite a plasma tube, or by a PC or laptop computer running a frequency generation program and amplifier. Another device uses a high-frequency coil to do the same thing, and studies are showing this may be much more effective. Yet another technology uses an audio generator to basically modulate a boosted 120 VAC power source to ignite a plasma lamp. The last device uses a radio transmitter to power the plasma lamp, modulated by an audio generator. This machine may be the closest thing to what Royal Raymond Rife (not a "Dr." regardless what anybody claims) did with his machines in the 1930's.

The MD who ran the 1934 clinic was not convinced that this was a cure-all, and never made any statements about "cures" etc, regardless what the popular press claims. He went on to run other clinics in the Los Angeles area, and in 1936 determined that plasma lamp frequency emissions were very successful in healing cataracts.

The machines all "work" but its not known how they work. I have personally seen overnight recoveries from the flu using two different types of plasma lamp machines. The machines are not a "Cure", regardless what some promoters claim. Used with a good nutritional and exercise program, the devices do seem to be able to help with many conditions, including arthritis, the flu, and many illnesses.

The machines are generally safe when used properly. Keep in mind that none of these machines have been FDA approved in the US, although there are a few similar machines which are medically approved in some other European countries.

A few machines are starting to show up as FDA approved as biofeedback devices, or as TENS machines for muscle relation or for pain relief. That is about as far as the American Medical System is willing to go in accepting this non-pharmaceutical health improvement system.

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This One Is Good   by masfett   16 year 0 of 2 (0%)

There's a cool Rife machine at this site:

The interesting thing about this one is that it has a pad that you sit on, rather than glass tubes that can break. There's a wand-thing that you rub your body with. This thing has three settings and the highest setting is STRONG. I like it.

Happy Zapping!

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The BCX Ultra   by #97999   16 year 0 of 2 (0%)

The BCX Ultra is the best machine on the market. It has out performed the others and is easy to use and the most economical on the market. I have used this machine for over nine years and helped others with many health issues. It has consistently proven to be effective in not only relieving symptoms it also can elimenate the pathogens, microbes, fungus, bacteria, virus and other immune suppressors. Here is my friends website

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