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Can humans use Ivermectin 1.87%/praziquantel 14.03% by Equimax a horse dewormer for themselves for eliminating their parasites and is it safe?

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Yes, but be careful of dosage and side effects   by la0508   14 year 2 of 2 (100%)

Yes, they can and are, but have central nervous system effects, can be somewhat toxic to your liver. Before you use these, best to verify that you truly have a parasitic infection, and that ivermectin and praziquantel will be effective for the kind you have. I wouldn't do this just on the general principle "everybody has parasites which are the cause of all disease and we must cleanse ourselves from them".
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Pinworm infestation   by #196900   9 year 2 of 2 (100%)

I have pinworms and have been using DE 2x a day only to discover that they have infested me vaginally also. My husband has had a dry cough since last October which I think is worm related also!! His Dr couldn't find anything wrong with him. They xrayed him and did blood work, etc.
God help me I'm so freaked out about it all and so is he.
Would Ivermectin paste 1.87% work for either one of us? I ask because its what I have on hand right now.

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Re: Safety and effectiveness of using Ivermectin   by Natural Cure   12 year 2 of 2 (100%)

I used it several times when thought i had parasites.
I dont know if there will be consequenses in the future
i risked it because there was indication of clearance within a couple of days. I saw no result at all and stopped poisoning myself, then i was lucky to have the cause identifeid as Malassezia Yeast.
Since then i have made it my purpose to help as many people as i can and have opened a Blog sharing my experiences -but have not mentioend in there the use of Ivermectin as it is illegal to use in my country.
If you have any other physical symptoms perhaps you could take a quick look at my website.
No ads, nor selling, just sharing experiences.

Kind regards
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