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What is the best/safest way to go through heroin detox/withdrawals at home?

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Good to know Im not alone   by GusMolina   18 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Its good to see a reply. Thanks.
Now something for you... On the third day after we returned last time she was still feeling uneasy. We went to see my uncle perform with his latin band on a wedensday night, which was 5 days after she started the ibogaine experience. She asked me to get her a scotch n coke and I was totally against it. However, it took that edge off and she was better after that, until she started eating pawpaw salad two weeks later. It goes right through you and that gave her diahrea. This made her hang out again and the band goes on and on and on.
Heroin is more than just a drug. Its the devil in disguise. Her night mares are straight out of a horour movie.
I beleive that heroin puts users in contact with a very dark spiritual world, where dead users exist. They try to make you use so that when you sleep or go on the nod, they can feel that high through your body. They died addicts.
Getting off this is a very deap spiritual journey of Love, Intelligence, Freedom and faith in our creator who is the only one that can help against such evil power.
We will really benefit from your prayers. Thanks again...Gus and Chaweewan.
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My misses needs to get off   by GusMolina   18 year 1 of 1 (100%)

My girl is worth trusting and my beleiving in her. We will be going to the sunshine coast in queensland australia to take her away from the city life. We will be camping in a remote area and she will need to get through it before she can return. It is a beautiful beach and we have done this before successfully. We use ibogain. However, the second and third days, when the ibogain looses its effect, she endures a bit of a hard time. I pray the whole time. Before this adventure she use urine therapy, to make her stronge. I am searching for something that can help get her through the tough time. Something she wont through up.
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Opiate Withdrawals   by Karlin   7 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Try to keep drinking water the whole time not lots but often.

Be prepared for nausea, vomiting, loose bowels, crying, sweating and then suddenly as cold as the heart of Dick Cheney. Gravol in moderation is probably okay, but I should not be suggesting any other drugs, ask a pharmacist - they know more about pills than GPs do.

To be safer, if you have a friend who would be willing to look in on you or phone you every few hours, and maybe sit with you when the worst of it is hitting, you would be quite a bit more safe.

If the friend would learn, or already knows, how to take your pulse that would be a major safety factor. Blood pressure can drop into the danger zone (on the low side, typically).

Have emergency phone #s at your elbow.

Generally, don't start believing that other drugs will be the best way because combinations often wreak havoc and cause confusion for both patient and doctors.

And hey - if you need the ambulance then make the call... don't reject the idea because you don't want someone to know what you have been up to.
Almost everybody respects addicts who are trying o quit!! Most people will support you in their own way.

However, IF you happen to die because you dont make that call because you do not want people to know, you will lose their respect

Just for perspective:

Opiate Withdrawals can be terrible for some and easier for other people, even if they have the same dosage and have been on it for the same amount of time.

People with personal experience tell me that Heroin is often easier to buck than the longer-acting opiates such as methadone.
Synthetic opiates are generally worse withdrawals than the plant-derived opiate drugs.
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suboxone   by karma1485   14 year 0 of 1 (0%)

Suboxone will make your withdrawals almost non existent... then you just have to stay clean. That can prove to be the hardest part.
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