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no easy detox off opiates as I have done URODs/Heatos etc

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need help...   by rekn345   11 year

i undrstand...i was on metadone for 3 years and got off of it in a 3 month program, but unfortantly got back on heroin once i went home cause i was still experiencing withdraws, with about 3 weeks of no sleep, yea yea i kno, excuses excuses...anyways, i did that for 2 months, and tried a suboxone treatment for 6 days, and i was fine, but two days after the final strip i started the withdrawls all over again, started using again, for 1 month did a methadone treatment for 3 days and 3 days later again withdrawls...i really cant do this on my own, its hard and im really tired of running with this addiction, im 26 yrs old and would like to start living again. is there a reason why the withdrawls are continuing even after im using a drug to curb the first 72 hours?
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Is there hope for addiction to opiates?   by 3202hill   12 year

As we speak we r being set up for a new heroin epidemic with high purity heroin and low prices. Suboxone is as addictive as meth amd you will feel the fatigue symptoms and sleeplessness. A UROD detox almost killed me and the MD lost his license for manslaughter in Camden, NJ. I am highly skeptical of any quick fixes for opiate addiction as the profit is far too high for Governments, Banks, Cartels, and Police. I would get on my knees and pray if they would just drop the moral pomposity and just legalize it all. However, I do not know how they would distribute crack to a wheel barrow?

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