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Home > Knowledge Base > Alternative Medicine > Cleansing > Bowel Cleanse > Colon Cleansing Survey

Colon Cleansing Survey

20 questions
( 12 topic questions + 8 basic questions )

277 participants answered the first question.
152 of 277 ( 55% ) answered all survey questions.

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This survey will be used to collect data for the chapter on colon cleaning in the Curezone E-book. It is a short survey about what methods were used and the results. Please answer all the questions. It is completely anonymous.

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New lower prices!
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Cleanse the Colon
Organic colon cleanse kit. Complete!

Fast and Painless Constipation Relief
Oxygen Bowel Cleanser

New lower prices!
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Cleanse the Colon
Organic colon cleanse kit. Complete!

Fast and Painless Constipation Relief
Oxygen Bowel Cleanser



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