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Mirena IUD Survey Results
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New Survey Questions (10) 
3 Please select all side effects you experienced while having Mirena IUD:   8 year ago
10 Have you had problems getting pregnant since Mirena IUD removal?   17 year ago
8 Do you still have Mirena IUD inside your uterus?   17 year ago
4 Your happiness?   17 year ago
9 How long time have you had Mirena IUD inside your uterus?   17 year ago
6 Has Mirena IUD affected your marriage / relationship?   17 year ago
7 What was the effect of Mirena IUD on your marriage / relationaship?   17 year ago
2 Have you regretted having Mirena IUD inserted?   17 year ago
5 Have you exeperienced any health benefits while having Mirena IUD?   17 year ago
1 Have you experienced any side effects while having Mirena IUD?   17 year ago
11 Date Of Birth
12 Body Height
13 Body Weight
14 Country where you live?
15 Gender (Sex)
16 How many children do you have?
17 How many siblings do you have?
18 Ethnicity
19 Natural Hair Color
20 Eye Color
21 Blood Type
22 Level of physical activity?
23 Which of the next activities do you practice at least once every week?
24 Which of the next diets are closest to your average daily diet?
25 What foods do you consume?
26 What is the average percentage of RAW food in your diet, by volume?
27 What is your average daily intake of pure water?
28 What vaccines have you received since birth?
29 The highest educational level achieved?
30 Smoking Habits
31 Marital Status
32 Religion
33 Latitude of the place where you live now?
34 Climate of the place where you live now?
  See All Survey Questions
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