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Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) Survey Results
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10  Worse? Have you experienced worsening or appearance of any of the symptoms or ailments while using MMS? If yes, select all symptoms or ailments that worsened. 

You can select more than one option:
1 80.0% ( 112 of 140 )

No. No symptoms worsened.   ...explanations [4]
2 5.0% ( 7 of 140 )

Abdominal Pain   ...explanations [1]
3 3.6% ( 5 of 140 )

Acid Reflux / Heartburn / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease / GERD
4 2.1% ( 3 of 140 )

5 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Acne Blackheads
6 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Acne Cystic
7 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Acne Hormonal
8 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Acne Whiteheads
9 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Acne Scars
10 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Allergic Rhinitis / Hay Fever
11 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
12 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Allergy: polen allergy
13 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Allergy: Latex allergy
14 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Allergy: Gluten allergy, Celiac Disease
15 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Allergy: Egg allergy
16 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
17 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Angina Pectoris
18 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Anxiety   ...explanations [1]
19 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Arm Pain
20 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
21 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Athlete's Foot
22 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression)
23 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
24 1.4% ( 2 of 140 )

25 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Blood Diseases
26 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Bone Diseases
27 1.4% ( 2 of 140 )

Brain Fog
28 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Breast Cancer (Early breast cancer) (Malignant Tumor)
29 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Breast Tumor Benign (not cancer)
30 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Breast: Fibrocystic Lumps (benign tumor) (Fibrocystic Disease)
31 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Breast: Fibroadenoma (benign tumor)
32 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Breast: Papilloma (benign tumor)
33 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Breast Cancer (Advanced breast cancer) (Malignant Tumor)
34 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Breast Cyst
35 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)
36 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Brain Tumor
37 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
38 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Candida / Candidiasis
39 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
40 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Chest Pain
41 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Chronic Cough
42 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Chronic Bronchitis
43 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
44 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Chronic Hives (Urticaria)
45 1.4% ( 2 of 140 )

Chronic Sinusitis
46 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
47 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Circulation Disease
48 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Cold Extremities ie: hands, feet, nose (a symptom of hypothyroidism)
49 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

50 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Congestive Heart Failure
51 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Constipation   ...explanations [1]
52 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Costochondritis (inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join with the cartilage)
53 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Crohn's Disease
54 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
55 1.4% ( 2 of 140 )

56 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
57 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Diabetes Type I
58 5.7% ( 8 of 140 )

Diarrhea Frequent or Chronic   ...explanations [1]
59 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Diabetes Type II
60 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
61 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Dry Skin
62 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Dry eyes
63 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Dry mucosas
64 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Dysmenorrhea/Menstrual Cramps
65 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Ear Infection (Chronic)
66 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Eating Disorder
67 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Eczema / Excema / Contact Dermatitis
68 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
69 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Enlarged Liver
70 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

71 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
72 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
73 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

74 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Fatty Liver
75 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Fibromyalgia Syndrome
76 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Flatulence, Meteorism (Intestinal gas and abdominal cramps caused by gas)
77 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
78 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Fungus Infection Chronic
79 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Food Allergies
80 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Food Intolerance
81 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Frozen Shoulder
82 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Gallbladder Cancer
83 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Gallbladder Polyp
84 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Gallstones Attack
85 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
86 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
87 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Gum Disease - Gingivitis (red, swollen and/or bleeding gums )
88 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Gum Disease - Periodontitis
89 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Hair Loss
90 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Hearing Problems
91 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Heart Disease
92 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
93 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Headache: Chronic
94 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Headache: early morning headache
95 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Headache: occasional
96 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
97 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Hepatitis A
98 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Hepatitis Autoimmune
99 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Hepatitis B
100 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Hepatitis C
101 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
102 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Cholesterol: High Total Cholesterol: LDL + HDL + VLDL ("bad" + "good")
103 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Cholesterol: High LDL Cholesterol (High "Bad" Cholesterol)
104 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Cholesterol: Low HDL Cholesterol (Low "Good" Cholesterol)
105 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
High Liver Enzymes
106 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Hormonal Disorders
107 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
108 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
109 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
110 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)
111 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
112 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
113 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
114 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
115 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

116 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Insulin Resistance
117 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
118 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Jock Itch
119 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Kidney Disease
120 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Chronic kidney failure
121 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Kidney Cancer (Renal cancer; Hypernephroma; Adenocarcinoma of renal cells)
122 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Kidney Pain
123 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Latex Allergy
124 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Lack of saliva
125 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Leaky Gut Syndrome
126 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Liver Cancer
127 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Liver Cirrhosis
128 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Liver Disease
129 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Liver Pain
130 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Liver Pain: Pinpoints of pain throughout liver
131 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Liver Tumor (non-malignant tumor)
132 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Liver hemangioma; Hemangioma of the liver; Cavernous hepatic hemangioma
133 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Lower Back Pain   ...explanations [1]
134 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Lung Cancer
135 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
136 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Menstrual Disorders
137 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Mesothelioma / Dust Diseases
138 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Menopause Symptoms
139 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
140 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Mood Disorders
141 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Moles and other benign skin marks
142 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Mood Swings
143 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
144 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
145 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Night Terrors
146 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
147 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
148 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Ovarian Cysts
149 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Ovarian Cancer
150 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Pain Between Shoulder Blades
151 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
152 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
153 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Penis Head Fungal Infection (Candida)
154 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Peripheral Neuropathy
155 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Parkinson's Disease
156 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
157 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Poor Digestion / Indigestion
158 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
159 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
160 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Prostate Enlarged
161 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Prostate Cancer
162 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
163 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
164 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Red Nose
165 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Pulmonary Fibrosis
166 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Pulmonary Embolus
167 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Pulmonary Hypertension
168 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Restless Legs Syndrome
169 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
170 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
171 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
172 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
173 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Seasonal Affective Disorder
174 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

175 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
176 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Shoulder Pain
177 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Sjogren's syndrome (Dry eyes, Lack of saliva, Dry mucosas)
178 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Skin Cancer
179 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Skin: Dryness
180 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Skin: Softness or Hardness
181 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Skin: Smoothness and general skin quality
182 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Skin Cracked / Open Sore
183 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Skin Rash
184 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Sleep Apnea
185 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Sleep Paralysis
186 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Soreness below the breast bone
187 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Thyroid Cancer
188 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
189 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
190 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
191 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Trigeminal Neuralgia
192 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
193 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Ulcer Duodenal
194 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Ulcer Stomach
195 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Ulcer (Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection )
196 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Ulcerative Colitis/Colitus
197 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Upper Back Pain
198 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Uterine Leiomyomas
199 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Uterine Cancer
200 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

201 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

Vaginal Dryness
202 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Vaginal Fungal Infection (Candida albicans)
203 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Vaginal Pain
204 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Vaginal Discharge
205 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
Vaginal: Abnormal bleeding
206 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
207 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
208 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
209 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
210 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
knee pain
211 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

weight gain
212 0.7% ( 1 of 140 )

213 0.0% ( 0 of 140 )
staph infection
214 3.6% ( 5 of 140 )

no   ...explanations [1]
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Number of participants who started this survey:174  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:120 69%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:140 80%

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Herbal tinctures and supplements
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Herbal tinctures and supplements
Hulda Clark Cleanses



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