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Home > Knowledge Base > Addictions > Illeegal Drugs Addiction > Crack Cocaine Recovery
Crack Cocaine Recovery Results
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1  Who is using crack cocaine? 

You can select more than one option:
1 18.1% ( 17 of 94 )

Myself   ...explanations [2]
2 16.0% ( 15 of 94 )

3 7.4% ( 7 of 94 )

Child   ...explanations [1]
4 11.7% ( 11 of 94 )

Relative   ...explanations [1]
5 22.3% ( 21 of 94 )

6 36.2% ( 34 of 94 )

Myself: past (recovering person)   ...explanations [5]
7 3.2% ( 3 of 94 )

Myself (Relasped)   ...explanations [1]
8 6.4% ( 6 of 94 )

relative, in the past
9 3.2% ( 3 of 94 )

no one
10 1.1% ( 1 of 94 )

My Spouse in the past who is deceased   ...explanations [1]
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Number of participants who started this survey:94  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:39 41%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:94 100%

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