Parasites Cleanse
One of the most simple Parasite cleansing program is given by
Dr.Hulda Clark in her books:

One very important aspect of every bowel cleanse is parasite
Parasites page
Some standard Parasite killing herbs:
Green Hull Black Walnut Hulls, Cloves, Wormwood (Artemisia
absynthium), Garlic, Pumpkin Seeds, Cayenne pepper, Goldenseal, Sage, Thyme, Fennel,
Male Fern, Cranberry Powder, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Apple kernel, olive leave extract,
apple seeds,...
Tapeworm and Ascaris Lumbricoides program:
-Improved parasite program:
The herbal parasite program has been known to be insufficient with
tapeworms and Ascaris.
Dr. Clark used to suggest Rascal for combating these intruders.
Now, the treatment is perfected. Coenzyme Q-10 in a one time high dose will kill most
Dr. Clark says to use 3000 mg of Coenzyme Q-10 or more to get rid of tapeworms and
People with HIV and AIDS take the high dose once a week plus a daily reduced
The few tapeworms that can even escape this treatment as well as Ascaris, the common
roundworm, can be killed with the 'mop-up program':
ozonated olive oil
and L-cysteine.
This will kill any parasites left over except for the ones in so-called 'diverticulas'
(pockets in the lower colon). The active ingredients of the parasite program are too weak
by the time they reach the lower colon to kill the parasites in those pockets. They must
finally be killed with a Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength Enema or another of the newly
added enemas under 'Recipes'.
New - Parasites Images -
All Parasites
Images - (60 pages)
Infected - (5 pages)
Rice in
your stool? (5 pages)

Lumbricoides (7 Pages)

Parasite killing herbs:
Green Hull Black Walnut
Black Walnut oxygenates the blood to kill parasites. The brown stain found in the green
husk contains organic iodine which has antiseptic and healing properties. It is also used
to balance sugar levels and burn up excessive toxins and fatty materials.
Cloves contain one of the most powerful germicidal agents in the herb kingdom. It is an
effective stimulant and aromatic for the lungs and stomach, and helps increase blood
circulation and promote digestion and nutrition. Oil of cloves is a diffusive stimulant,
often used to relieve toothache and remedy bad breath. Also good for: low blood pressure,
bronchial catarrh, colitis (mucous), diarrhea, dizziness, dysentery, earache epilepsy, gas
nausea, pain, palsy, spasms, vomiting, stimulating sexual drive.
- Vitamins: A, C, & B complex
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Sodium
- Calcium
CLARKIA Parasites Cleanse
Pumpkin Seed
Pumpkin seed is taken to eliminate many varieties of worms. Native Americans are known
to have chewed pumpkin seeds as an aid in deworming.
Gentian Root
Gentian Root helps stimulate circulation, strengthen the system, and strengthen the
muscles of the digestive organs. It is also good for convalescence, especially in the
cases of extreme weakness, and is excellent for ridding the body of parasites. Also good
for: anemia, counteracting the effects of poisons, stimulating the appetite, strengthening
the blood, bruises, constipation, urinary infections, vermin, worms.
- Vitamins B-complex & F
- Iron
- Inositol
- Niacin
- Manganese
- Silica
- Sulphur
- Tin
- Lead
- Zinc
Hyssop contains an essential hormone oil to help build resistance to infectious
disease. It has been used for poor digestion, breast and lung problems, coughs due to
colds, nose and throat infections, and has proven useful for mucous congestion in the
intestines. Also helps with: asthma, regulating blood pressure, bronchitis, external
bruising, chronic catarrh, eternal cuts, dropsy, ear ailments, epilepsy, fever, jaundice,
kidney, liver, and spleen problems, external lice, lung ailments, hard phlegm, muscular
and external rheumatism, worms.
Black Seed
Black seed has many medicinal properties including anti-neoplastic activity. It is also
antibacterial, antifungal and antihelminthic (parasitic infection fighter), and has an
immune-enhancing effect on the human T-cell production and helps to balance and stabilize
the immune system. It aids in the healing of acute and chronic illnesses, regulating blood
pressure, enhancing bile and breast milk production, and stimulating sperm producing
tissue. Also helps with: arthritis, asthma, gastrointestinal complaints, proper kidney and
liver function, circulatory problems, resistance to disease in general.
- Crystalline nigellone
- Amino Acids
- Proteins
- Carbohydrates
- Oils (fixed & volatile)
- Alkaloids
- Saponins
- Crude Fiber
- Calcium
Cramp Bark
Cramp Bark is considered one of the best natural remedies for regulating female
disorders. It is excellent relaxant for the ovaries and the uterus, and is commonly used
as a uterine sedative and anti-spasmodic. It is also recommended for preventing nervous
diseases of pregnancy, after-pains and cramps. In Russia, the berries are used for
regulating high blood pressure, heart problems, coughs, colds, lung and kidney problems,
as well as stomach ulcers.
Peppermint Seed
Peppermint helps to cleanse and strengthen the entire body. It can also be useful for
bowel problems, and helps assist the salivary glands in digestion.
Thyme is a powerful antiseptic and a general tonic with curative powers. It has been
used for anemia, bronchial and intestinal problems, and as an antiseptic for tooth decay.
It destroys fungal infections such as athlete's foot, and skin parasites such as crabs and
lice. It also kills abdominal worms. Also good for: bowel problems, bruises, catarrh
(inflammation of mucous membranes of the nose and throat), coli, diarrhea, indigestion,
epilepsy, fainting, fever, gastritis, external gout, headaches, heartburn, hysteria,
internal infections, laryngitis, leprosy, lung congestion, mastitis, suppressed
menstruation, nightmares, paralysis, promoting perspiration, rheumatism, sciatica, sinus
problems, throat problems, uterine problems, warts, whooping cough.
- Vitamins B-complex , C & D
- Iodine
- Sodium (trace)
- Silicon
- Sulphur
Fennel Seed
Fennel acts as an appetite suppressant and diuretic, and helps to stabilize the nervous
system and expel waste material from the body. Fennel improves digestion, and has also
proven helpful with coughs and persistent bronchitis due to its mucus-countering and
anti-convulsive properties. Also helps with: abdominal cramps, female disorders, gas,
gout, intestinal problems, promoting lactation, nervous disorders, pin worms, spasms.
Grapefruit Seed
Grapefruit Seed, well known as an anti-fungal agent, kills many different types of
parasites and assists the body in producing beneficial bacteria.
Bowel Cleansing Programs
helps cleansing whole body from toxins.
Take 1 tbsp. of Imoplex 5 days a week. make pause after 2
Dr. Clark Gallstones Cleanse
"Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the
basis of your whole health. You can expect your allergies to disappear, too, more with
each cleanse you do! Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back
pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well being...