Prostate Cancer

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Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 16:54:28 EST
Subject: PROSTATE90 new PC cancer - what to do?

Dear group:
   I am 52, was diagnosed on December 5th with prostate cancer and just
joined this discussion group.

The numbers are: PSA 5.2, Gleason score of 6 (3+3) from 10-15% of one of 6 core samples taken from the prostate and therefore a staging of T1C.

    I have scheduled surgery for February 23 with Dr. Richie at the Brigham and
Women's in Boston but I am still exploring all the options and would love some
feedback from those that have gone before me. Especially those that have a
similar history.

Thanks for any info. for the quest.
John T.

Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 12:43:07 +1300
From: Julian W.
Subject: Re: PROSTATE90 new PC cancer - what to do?

I guess I'm similar. PSA was 5.3 Gleason 6.
I'm in NZ. My urologist said that if I were about 10 years older (i.e., 67
and not 57) he'd probably recommend nothing. Since I DO have a likelihood
of living past ten years, he suggested radiation. He said he would not
recommend surgery (although he said that "yanks love to have things cut
out") because of the uncertainty of "getting it all" and the long recovery
and sequel to the surgery. He said that any time he'd done the surgery, he
had radiation done as well.
Right now I'm holding and waiting. There was something "funny" on my CT scan,
so they wanted to do an exploratory-- which I refused. I'm scheduled for
another scan in early March.
I'm doing most of the stuff in Larry's book-- been on an Ayurvedic diet
since I was diagnosed in Sept. Lost lots of weight and feeling great.
Will be starting the Ultimate Fast tomorrow.
Taking IP-6 with Inositol, selenium, and modified citrus pectin, as well as
5 drops of saw-palmetto tincture at each meal.

What anyone does is their own personal choice. I know that surgery was NOT
an option for me, and I'm very hesitant to do radiation. Happily, the
universe has conspired to keep me from all of that for a few more months.

The big question is the chance of the cancer spreading beyond the capsule.
That, says a friend, is a "crap-shoot." It might do it the the day before
your operation and you'll not know. It might never do it.

The big thing that helped me was to come to terms with it on several levels.
1. It is a warning that things ain't right and I better clean up my life.
2. I might die-- and we ALL do eventually. How much time do I need to get
my life together? If I decide that I can get myself "right with God" in
three years... then why have treatment?
3. Find out how to get into your heart and make the choices on that level.
4. Accept the choices you make and live with them. It only goes in one

Happily, I have a wife and friends who support me in my choices.


Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 11:46:55 +0100
From: D
Subject: Re: PROSTATE90 new PC cancer - what to do?

Hello John,

Try to think about your cancer as something good. Cancer is a great
teacher. You have got cancer not because you have to loose some part of
your body, or because you have to experience pain, but because you have to
learn something !

While other Gentleman have been very careful in expressing their opinions, I will be more direct.

Do not take it personally!

You can not cut out parts of your body, kill cells of your body with radiation or drugs, and still expect to get well after that.

I have never met a person who have managed to cure cancer with surgery, radiation or drugs, and who is , after that , still 100% happy, satisfied and functioning normally.

Beside of that , those people are deadly afraid of cancer coming back! (And I have met a many people with cancer. Hundreds of them.)

But I have met many people who did not use surgery,radiation or drugs, but who first decided to remove all what is causing cancer , and who let their body cure itself. And those people are 100% happy for what they did.
They have learn what is causing cancer, and they are not afraid that cancer will come back.

You can cut out your prostate, but prostate IS NOT CANCER.

CANCER IS NOT a virus that you just have to kill and get well.
That what is in your prostate is degenerated tissue, cancer is diseases of
your whole body!

Just by cutting out your prostate you have removed one manifestation of the
cancer, but you did not removed the cause of cancer.
Until you remove the cause, you will always have a great chances of
developing some degenerated tissue in some other part of your body.

That is why so few people survive more than 10 years after surgery,
radiation and/or chemotherapy treatments.

No one of those treatments is removing the main cause of cancer.
And because of that, in 75% of cases cancer will "come back". "COME BACK"
is under " " because cancer have never left their body!

Cancer is not a bug, that you can get out of your body. Cancer is special
condition of your body, condition caused by internal pollution, essential
nutrients deficiency, poor digestion, stress ...

To cure cancer you have to detoxify your body, bring essential nutrients to
your cells, improve digestion and function of your intestines, and calm
down your lifestyle.

All the people suffering of cancer and other "incurable" diseases (degenerative diseases ) are actually suffering of the same three causes, and those three causes are the main causes of cancer:

internal pollution.
incomplete digestion
deficiency of essential nutrients

Those three causes are result of diet, lifestyle and exposure to the toxins, way of thinking ...

Those three causes are very connected and cause each other.

Diet deficient on essential nutrients is affecting biochemical processes
inside our cells.
It is also affecting digestion and preventing internal natural detoxification.
Incomplete digestion is causing poor absorption of essential nutrients, and
poorly digested food is containing toxic substances that our intestines
absorb in our blood stream. Incompletely digested foods becomes foods for
numerous bugs in your colon.
Internal pollution is causing malfunction of our vital organs, is depleting
minerals from our body and is interacting with biochemical processes inside
our cells that are crucial for our health.

Of course, we should not forget psychosomatic causes of cancer, like
stress, depressions, fear, anger, sadness, melancholy ... but when we
address first three causes it is much easier to cure our psychological problems.
Our body is able to cure itself if given right fuel.

We are much more prone to emotional problems, depressions, fear, anger, sadness, melancholy..
if we consume every day meat and sugar and industrially produced foods and
drinks and if we are deficient on omega3 and omega6 fatty acids, and if we
are deficient on vitamins.

99% of people with cancer are deficient from at least 3 of the next
essential nutrients :
- omega 3 alpha-Linolenic fatty acid ( 95% are deficient )
- selenium ( 95 % are deficient)
- calcium
- magnesium
- Vitamins A ( beta carotene ), E, C, B17 laetrile, B complex, D, K ( 95%
are deficient )
- copper ( 90 % are deficient )
- germanium
- chromium
- vanadium
- zinc
- tin ....

Essential nutrients deficiency is very common between people who have no

Cancer can be reversed by:

- by cleansing body, organs and our environment.
- proper diet rich in nutrients that person is deficient of,
- by avoiding some: foods, drinks, people and environments and


Tumors don't just appear out of nowhere.
It may take a years before tumor become big enough to be discovered. In
that time your body get many chances to eliminate them. Potential cancers
are regressing all the time. It is only when we are really bad to our body
that tumors get chance to grow.

How does tumors appears ?
The first phase of tumor development is initiation. It occurs when cell's
genetic makeup get altered , enabling it to divide more freely than it
should. "The biggest enemy is OXYGEN", though viruses, chemicals and
radiation also can damage DNA. In the process of burning energy in our
body, highly reactive oxygen molecules are created. They are "jumping"
around in our cells and stealing electrons from other molecules and pushing
those molecules to do the same. "A kind of theft chain reaction." These
chain reactions can damage cellular DNA. These reactions are called Free
Radicals reactions.

Toxic chemicals can also damage DNA.
Industrial products (foods, furniture,and other things around us ) are full
of carcinogens. Carcinogens are able to damage DNA.

Flaxseed, soy, olive oil , vegetables can help cleansing body from the
Gallstones cleans is extremely efficient: Gallstones.html

Antioxidants are able to stop free radical chain reactions.
Green tea contain many antioxidant chemicals known as polyphenols.
One of them called EGCG has 20 times the radical quenching effect of
Vitamin E, and 500 times the effect of vitamin C.
There are hundreds of undiscovered chemicals in vegetable and plants that
may help prevent and cure cancer.
Soy (best products are miso, tamari and shoyu):
Soy products contain chemicals called "isoflavones" which act as weak
estrogens and leave less room for strong ones. Estrogen promotes fast
growth of breast cells in women.

Cox-2 Inhibitors such as "reservatol" in red grapes and "curcumin" in
Turmeric suppress tumor's production of growth factors. It may inhibit
blood vessel growth in tumors. Tumor without blood vessel can not grow.

Antioxidants :
polyphenols in green tea
lycopene in tomatoes
Antioxidants are quenching free radicals !

Garlic and onions contains chemicals: (allyl sulfides) which help limit the
production of cancer causing chemicals.
Tomatoes, Garlic and onion are best cooked !
Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage ... have "sulforaphane" , which boost
production of Phase II Enzymes.
Phase II Enzymes remove carcinogens from cells.
These are only some of the chemicals discovered until today. How many of
them have you had in your diet?


So, do not be Ignorant or stupid. There is no cure for cancer (not in the
"Pill form"), and there is no treatment that will cure every cancer (though
many treatments can help your body cure cancer ).

It is your body that have created cancer.
It is your diet and your lifestyle that have caused cancer.


If you decide to go this way, than you do not need surgery, radiation or
chemo. Those treatments are not helping to your body, those treatments are
actually harming your body. Those treatments will only make it harder for
your body to cure itself.

So, you have Two options !
Result of one option is health!

Result of another option is that you might be impotent, you might get
another tumor somewhere in your body, and you still have a great 70% of
chances of not surviving next 10 years.

I know what I will choose.
I would go to the first health food store and I would purchase Flaxseed Oil.

For more informations about cancer visit :

Dusan :-)


I will post here one story of a man who is fighting kidney cancer. We all can learn from that story.

That story is online here :

You are advised to read this story from the web!

Remember, this person thought that it is not important to remove cancer causes!
He did not know what is causing cancer.

Tom Brown's Personal Kidney Cancer Story

Last modified on January 11, 1999

Thoughts in March 1998
I reviewed my diary and notes here concerning my on going duel with kidney
cancer and decided to add this preface to clarify my current feelings. I
want to emphasize that some of the early statements and thoughts I made
during the beginning of my battle and the beginning of my research are not
the same today. For instance, I earlier said that chemo and radiation did
not produce good results for kidney cancer. Today there are many chemo
treatments that are showing good results in retarding the growth of kidney
cancer. Radiation still doesn't have a large effect, but some evidence
shows that it MAY add some positive results in some patients. The bottom
line is that one should not take something I said 5 years ago as still true
today. Things change, medicine makes progress and I have changed my own
opinion about things. Today I'm ready to try most anything if it shows any
promise of being either a short or long term solution.
In the last five years I have also met kidney cancer patients that have
survived 5, 7 and 15 years with this disease. So I again emphasize, don't
give up and don't believe them when they say you are going to die. Educate
yourself and fight!

Personal Story
I got involved in surfing the Internet a bit by accident. As an early IBM
drop out, I had more than a passing interest with computers. I left IBM in
June 1991 and after getting ready to do some serious cruising on my boat,
discovered in September 1992, I had another task. As fate or karma would
have it, I learned I had Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) or kidney cancer.
So after some initial research at book store and library with zero results,
I turned to the computer. I didn't have an Internet access back then but
with the Prodigy Medical Support BB, I found enough information to make
some informed decisions. I had surgery in November 1992 and my left kidney
and right adrenal gland were removed.

For those Cancer patients in the know, it was now apparent that I was at a
dangerous stage. I had cancer at an advanced stage that had already spread
to two major organs. My life expectancy was now less than five years.
Looked like IBM would make out on the retiree costs. Fortunately these two
organs were redundant so after the surgery I continued to survive and
function normally.

I had decided during my research that I would not have radiation or chemo
except as an absolute last resort. It was easier to make this decision
because RCC does not respond well to these protocols anyway. I went the
Alternative Medicine route.

After a year of trying everything I could read about, from Vitamins to
Prayer, I had my regular six month checkup and discovered spots on my
lungs. This was November of 1994. A biopsy showed I had RCC that had spread
to my lungs and lymph nodes in the chest. This is not a good news item when
you come home from the hospital. I was now looking at a life expectancy of
3 to 6 months. My doctor at M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Hospital in
Houston Texas, said he could put me on some experimental protocols that
would really make me ill and put me out of commission. Because I was in
general good health, he said, "Since the effectiveness of these protocols
is small, why don't you wait until you get really sick before you try any
of these therapies? If I were you I'd go out and enjoy life." This fit my
plans, so I left the hospital.

By accident, I talked to a friend that week who had information about an
alternative treatment called Oxygen Therapy. I had read about this, but had
not tried it. So I got some books and after researching, bought some
product and started on Oxygen Therapy. I only used oral ingestion of
personally prepared, diluted food grade Hydrogen Peroxide. When I returned
for my three month checkup, my lung tumors were reduced, and on the next
successive checkup's the tumors kept decreasing. Finally when I had a
checkup in December 1995, all signs of the cancer were gone. I have been on
the Oxygen Therapy ever since and appear to be surviving. My next checkup
will be in August 1996, so the next chapter will unfold then.

For the more interesting part of this story, click on this link:

Second part:


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