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Yes i cancer
by Michael Elliott [edit]

Yes i cancer
***** 5 Stars!
Price: US$ 17.00, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 0989714532


 She's 41 years old. Terminal lung cancer, stage IV. The doctor tells us she will be dead in 6 months. He offers to keep her comfortable, nothing more. The cancer is too far advanced. We are in complete shock. We initially went in for the results of a pulled muscle and possible infection in her chest.

What happened to all the cancer cures they promised. How does someone running their horse one day end up with a 6 month death sentence the next. We thought we were living our dream. We had 50 acres in a pristine, snow capped valley, horses, dogs, cats, chickens, pig, wildlife. Then...

 The phone rings. Damn, it's the doctors office. For some reason the doctor needs to see us right away. We we're just leaving to meet some friends up at the lake. Of course we're wondering why a procedure confirming a pulled muscle and a possible infection in her chest was so urgent.

 When we arrive, we are immediately escorted into the doctor's office. No waiting room, no exam room, his office. We are told the doctor will be right in. Wow, this is odd, there are at least 6 or 7 other patients outside in the waiting room. I start pacing, totally oblivious to the bomb that was about to be dropped on our lives.

 Imagine this happening to you. How would you react? I went into complete shock, total disbelief, denial and absolute panic. How do you leave someone so young, ultimately, without any hope?

 I had no clue, let alone faith or any knowledge of natural cancer cures. Did they work? Were they for real? How successful were alternative therapies? Could they really save my wife? The information in this book covers what I desperately needed to know right then and there. Your choice, you can avoid the insanity and find out about your options now or you can throw the dice and experience what I did. Believe me, this life changing diagnosis turns your whole world inside out.

 Everyone knows the horrors and side effects of chemotherapy. Why are so many so uninformed about complementary and alternative
therapies for curing cancer. You probably know the answer to that, if not, all the more reason to keep reading. Sad to say, I was in the group of totally ignorant but, whatever the outcome, she sure as hell was not going down without a fight.

  This book is a brief history of our story, but more importantly, it's about alternative therapies that work, explained in an easy to understand
format of how and why they work. By the way, her stage IV lung cancer magically disappeared and then...The rest of the story...

 Your journey can end in success. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is confidence and peace of mind. This knowledge is priceless! The information in this book will give you the knowledge as well as understanding the fact that there are powerful and very successful alternatives to chemotherapy, radiation and surgery...

Michael Elliott (Biography)

Michael Elliott has lived in Wyoming, Colorado and is currently living in southern California. He has worked as a Nevada State Firefighter, Gemologist, western furniture designer and is currently working as an investigative journalist into alternative cancer therapies. He is also a Contemporary Nutritionist, Herbalist and personal health coach. He is also speaks on health and cancer prevention whenever possible. He hopes to expand his influence and audience through regular cancer prevention talks. He began his research over 10 years ago when his wife was diagnosed with advanced, stage IV lung cancer. They defeated her lung cancer using natural therapies which he describes in his book. In the end they ultimately made mistakes which he also shares in his book hoping to help others. His interests include horses, surfing, kayaking, water skiing and anything that has to do with the great outdoors,



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