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Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer
by Burton Goldberg [edit], W. John Diamond [edit]

Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer
12 Stars!
Price: US$ 34.97, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 1887299017


Based on the pioneering treatment plans of 37 alternative medicine cancer specialists, this book guides you through the safest and most effective treatment alternatives known today. Learn how leading practitioners use herbs, nutrition, supplements, diet, oxygen, enzymes, glandular extracts, homeopathic remedies, plus specialized new substances such as Ukrain, Essiac, Carnivora, Iscador, 714X, shark cartilage, and many other to prevent and reverse cancer.

comprehensive,easy to understand book that offers hope, September 19, 1999
Reviewer: An Customer
A large part of beginning to win the battle with cancer is reasearch and information, so that one can make informed decisions about ones own health care. This book provides a wealth of easy-to-understand information about the options to conventional treatments. Whether or not one chooses to prescribe to any treatment offered in this "encyclopedia" of different modalities, one is almost certain to come away from reading with one of the greatest cancer fighters of all - hope!

The most helpful book for those who actually want to live., February 17, 1999
Reviewer: A reader
This book saved my life. I can't say enough times how helpful all of the different treatments can come together and actually begin to fight cancer.

Invaluable wealth of info!, June 19, 2002
Reviewer: Susan Adams from Columbia, SC United States
With a working diagnosis of advanced ovarian cancer, this book gave me HOPE and DIRECTION. Statistics say: One in two men and one in three women will face cancer. IF POSSIBLE, be prepared in advance to know what course you would take. BUT, if you or a loved one are diagnosed with cancer, have courage! There are MANY choices BESIDES surgery, radiation and chemo. Better choices! This enormous book will educate you.

Don't miss the AMAS test on pages 702-705: an accurate blood test that can detect ANY cancer up to 19 months BEFORE conventional medical tests for cancer can find it! This test gave me GREAT PEACE of MIND as it ruled OUT cancer for me before my surgery to remove a grapefruit-sized endometrioma (NON-malignant). Praise the LORD!

Knowledge IS Power, October 24, 2001
Reviewer: A reader from Sydney, NSW, Australia
Im a 33 year old young woman, who was diagnosed with advance local breast cancer 5 months ago today (24 May 2001, date of diagnosis). I was fortunate enough to have a close friend in the US who know of this book, due to working with one of the doctors who are published.

This book has become my Bible and has literaly saved my life. Im sitting here tonight in the wee hours of the night to let you know that today I have no turmors and am living cancer free. Five months ago I have 4 tumors all at approx 4cm each, today they are all gone, by the grace of God and his direction led me to this book which in turn gave me the information, the wisdom and guaidence to get through this tragic disease that so many people, possibly thousands world wide die from.

God Bless the all those who contributed to the truth about cancer. I thank you.

Burton Goldberg (Biography)

Burton Goldberg

In an effort to move our society from a system of sick care to a system of wellness care, Burton Goldberg began a life-long mission to reform American medicine and to help people reclaim their health through natural means. Today this best-selling author and publisher is internationally recognized as "The Voice of Alternative Medicine." His message is simple, direct, and lifesaving: chronic illnesses can be successfully reversed with alternative medicine.

Mr. Goldberg's quest to understand how and why alternative medicine works began more than 25 years ago, and has taken him to Europe, Russia, China, Mexico, and Israel to learn firsthand from alternative practitioners. His goal is to share this information with others in order to save lives. With a team of over 400 of the world's leading alternative practitioners, along with 200 writers, editors, and researchers overseen by 1Healthy World’s co-founder, Larry Trivieri, Jr., Mr. Goldberg published Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. This best-selling title (over 600,000 copies in print) is widely regarded as "the bible of alternative medicine." Now completely revised and expanded, Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition, once again overseen by Larry Trivieri, Jr., was published in May, 2002.

In addition to The Definitive Guide, Mr. Goldberg has overseen the creation of The Burton Goldberg Library, a series of specialized ebooks that present the latest in clinical research and the safest, most effective treatment alternatives to prevent and permanently reverse numerous serious health conditions. He also publishes a unique consumer-oriented monthly health magazine, Alternative Medicine, and maintains a comprehensive website (

A champion of alternative healthcare, Mr. Goldberg recently testified before the United States Congressional Committee on Government Reform where he explained the alternative medicine "system" for diagnosing and reversing cancer and called for increased efforts to reduce the toxic substances in our air, water, food, and household products.

Enormously popular on radio and television, and a sought-after speaker, Mr. Goldberg has appeared as a featured guest on many national and international television and radio networks, including CNN, PBS, NPR, QVC, CBN, CTN, Global TV, CBC-TV, FOX, and Voice of America and has addressed such prestigious organizations as The Young Presidents Organization, World Presidents Organization, Commonwealth Club of California, National Health Federation, and Citizens for Health.


W. John Diamond (Biography)

Reviewer: sismith (see more about me) from Yuma, AZ
W. John Diamond, M.D., a board-certified pathologist and alternative medicine expert, and W. Lee Cowden, M.D., who is board-certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular disease, and clinical nutrition, joined forces with Burton Goldberg, author of numerous books on alternative medicine, to write Cancer Diagnosis: What To Do Next.

Many people don't know where to turn for information when diagnosed with cancer. And the answers they often get from medical professionals include few options. Lack of knowledge causes many people to undergo treatments they don't want.
Goldberg says that "there is no single magic bullet cure for cancer. Many factors contribute to the development of cancer and many modalities and substances must be used to reverse it."

The authors emphasize that never giving up hope is a critical first step in cancer treatment, no matter what therapy is chosen. They then outline some positive steps that patients can take that will help them chose the therapy that's best for them. Included in this section is a simple test that reveals whether a tumor will respond to chemotherapy, and if so, what the smallest effective dosage is.

They also discuss the causes of cancer, and offer suggestions for prevention and early detection. They provide complete information about testing methods used by alternative practitioners that aid in developing effective treatment plans.

Nutrition plays a big role both in prevention and treatment of cancer, and the authors explain how to choose the best diet for you. They also explain the role of supplements, such as vitamins and minerals, in strengthening the body.

Herbs and other nontoxic therapies can be very helpful for many people. All the details are included, as well as complete information on techniques for stimulating the immune system. Detoxification and energy therapies are also explained.
Detoxification is especially important because of all the pollutants in our air, water, and food. According to the authors, "most conventional doctors do not take these factors into consideration when treating cancer."

Each chapter includes "Quick Definitions," which are explanations of medical terms, in the margins, making it easy to understand the text. Whenever a special test or procedure is discussed, contact information is provided.

"Alternative medicine has established the causes of cancer--from radiation and dietary factors and pesticide residues to stress and dental factors and free radicals--and has safe, nontoxic, and effective therapies that can address each one." Cancer Diagnosis gathers all this information into one easy-to-use book. It's an essential reference for anyone desiring full information on treatment options. 


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