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You are not Addicted to Cigarette Smoking You are Starving
by Anthony Shkreli [edit]

You are not Addicted to Cigarette Smoking You are Starving
********** 10 Stars!
Price: US$ 15.99, Available worldwide on
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ISBN: 0985135328
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Cigarette smoking has long been held to be an enigma. Why do people smoke? And why is it so difficult to quit despite the so-called treatments that are peddled about? The stunning answer, demonstrated within the pages of this book, is that tobacco smoking is not an addiction--- rather, it is a result of starvation. But it is not the starvation everyone is familiar with. It is a special cellular starvation for a special nutrient known as the Magic Mineral. Strangely, the correlation between the Magic Mineral and tobacco has been known by ancient Indian tribes for thousands of years. But, even more astonishing, is that when the Magic Mineral is incorporated into the diet of an individual who smokes tobacco, the desire for smoking will end.

Anthony Shkreli (Biography)

Anthony is a philosopher and theologian. He has also studied physiology and biochemistry since the time he was thirteen years old when he proudly discovered and proclaimed to family and friends and all who would hear, the word `norepinephrine.' He is the author of four books which range in subject matter from economics, history to politics and health.



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