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Partner Yoga: Making Contact for Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Growth
by Peter J. D'Adamo ND [edit]

Partner Yoga: Making Contact for Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Growth
******** 8 Stars!
Price: US$ 13.97, Available worldwide on
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ISBN: 1579542719

Peter J. D'Adamo ND (Biography)

Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo

"D'Adamo's engaging writing style, enthusiasm for his subject and personalized advice will appeal to those who enjoy taking a hands-on approach to their health and exploring new theories."

--Publisher's Weekly

"Dr. D'Adamo is the most amazing healer I know. He has the most advanced natural healing methods incorporating age-old techniques in a very thoughtful way. His knowledge on how the body functions is incredible!"

--Tommy Hilfiger, Fashion Designer

"With The GenoType Diet Peter D'Adamo is taking it one level past where most of us stop. He has a virtually encyclopedic knowledge of this topic." -

--Mehmet Oz MD

Peter J D'Adamo ND is a naturopathic physician noted for his popular books on the Blood Type Diet. His series of books suggest that appropriate diet and lifestyle depend in part on an individual's blood type. An acknowledged expert in naturopathic medicine, Dr. D'Adamo's numerous publications and bestselling books have greatly contributed to our understanding of dietary individuality.

Dr. D'Adamo is a prolific writer who frequently contributes to the website. Versant in over ten computer languages, he is the author of four major medical software systems and one music composition tool. He hold numerous patents involving nutritional supplementation, cosmetics and fragrance technology.

A second generation naturopathic doctor, Dr. D'Adamo has been practicing naturopathic medicine for over 20 years. Best known for his research on human blood groups and nutrition, Dr. D'Adamo is also a well-respected researcher in the field of natural products.

Dr. D'Adamo gained a Naturopathic Doctorate (ND) from Bastyr College, Seattle WA, in 1982, and is licensed as a naturopathic physician in Connecticut, California, British Columbia, Washington, Ontario and Arizona. He has a medical practice in Wilton, Connecticut.

In 1990 Dr. D'Adamo was awarded Physician of the Year by The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. He is Adjunct Clinical Professor for both the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Tempe AZ, and the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland OR.

In 2001 Dr. D'Adamo founded the Institute for Human Individuality (IfHI). In 2003 he instigated the first IfHI biannual conference and certification, at which he was the keynote speaker. These conferences, which have attracted the best and brightest minds in nutritional genomics, have continued through 2005, 2007 and 2009.

The life work of Dr. Peter D'Adamo is the heart and soul behind The D'Adamo Clinic.

In September 2009, Dr. D'Adamo created and supervises the first Personalized Medicine rotation shift in naturopathic education at the University of Bridgeport.

With the publication of Eat Right 4 Your Type in 1996, Dr. D'Adamo became known internationally as an author.

Dr. D'Adamo's series of books are NY Times Bestsellers, and have been translated into over 65 languages. He has been named the Most Intriguing Health Author of 1999, and his first book Eat Right 4 Your Type was voted one of the "Ten Most Influential Health Books of All Time" by industry analysts.


Publisher's Weekly called his third book, Live Right 4 Your Type "A Comprehensive and fascinating theory.. Meticulously researched."

In addition to writing and his medical practice, Dr. D'Adamo is an enthusiastic practitioner of martial arts (Tai Chi and Tang Soo Do), woodworking and cabinetry, sailing and vintage Volkswagen restoration. He lives in Western Connecticut with his wife and two daughters.



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