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PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door
by Timothy Kendrick [edit]

PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door
* 1 Stars!
Price: US$ 9.95, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 1430300000


Timothy Kendrick, a U.S. Army Veteran explores solutions for individuals who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In his first release "PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door, Mr. Kendrick Focuses not so much on any tragic events but more on the actions necessary to overcome, walk through without fear, conquer and live a productive life


By  Celandine (Florida, USA) - See all my reviews
This book is not just for those who suffer from PTSD; it is a great guide for anyone needing a little help working through negativity, fear and/or melancholy. While the author has no doubt seen horrific things, it is a comfort and inspiration to read such positive words of courage and triumph. Anyone who can function that well after such a level of trauma must know a little something about which they speak! Great tips for staying positive and not letting life get you down - I highly recommend reading this if you need a little reminder of those things from time to time.

PTSD Pathways Through the Secret Door is an absolute must read for ANYONE who suffers from PTSD. Timothy Kendrick touches every subject from fear, the subconscious mind, and depression, to creating a positive outcome including tools to find your own happiness. This book is the "real deal" written by a man who has suffered from PTSD, unlike most therapists that try to tell you how to cure something but have never actually been through it.

Two thumbs up and a big thank you to this wonderful new author!

Timothy Kendrick (Biography)

Retired Army Veteran who served in Panama, Somalia, Operation Iraqi Freedom and various other wonderful places in the world, Korea and Germany just to name a few.
Began as a military policeman with the 61st MP Company in the early 80’s, switched to Combat Medic and then to Broadcast Journalism in the 90’s.
Featured in Time Magazine (and several other media outlets) for his work in Somalia in 1993.
Last Duty was in Iraq with the Department of Defense.
Speaks five languages and currently lives in Tampa Florida.
Traveled the globe five and one-half times.
Assist others with PTSD, Bipolar, Depression, An instigator of enthusiasm and motivation

motto “It doesn’t get any easier later, it just gets later.”




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