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CureZone > Books > The Rape of Innocence : One Woman's Story of Female Genital Mutilation in the U.S.A. by Patricia Robinett

The Rape of Innocence : One Woman's Story of Female Genital Mutilation in the U.S.A.
by Patricia Robinett [edit]

The Rape of Innocence : One Woman's Story of Female Genital Mutilation in the U.S.A.
******* 7 Stars!
Price: US$ 10.00, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 1878411047


Genital mutilation of both girls and boys was introduced in the United States of America in the late 1800s.

Why? To prevent masturbation.

Masturbation was thought to be the cause of all diseases: mental, emotional and physical.

Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance paid for clitoridectomies (Female Genital Mutilation) until 1977.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) was finally outlawed in the United States of America in 1996.

This is the story of one woman's discovery of her childhood trauma.

Many other women were circumcised and don't know why they have sexual problems and PTSD.

You (or a loved one) may find this book valuable in the healing process.

$10 for e-book, $20 for paperback, $15 for audio CD.

This book is not yet available on, but is available for purchase at

Patricia Robinett (Biography)

Patricia Robinett

Patricia lives in Oregon, in the Emerald Green Willamette Valley, a world where healing is always certain.

She knows that cowardly lions reclaim their courage, tin woodsmen find their hearts, straw men discover their brilliance and lonely, homesick people discover they never have really left home. Minds and bodies, hearts and souls, mend.

"Physician, heal thyself."

Patricia knows from experience that all things can be healed, as she was ill for many years and had to heal herself. She knows for a fact that our natural state is health and happiness. That it is only fear that wracks our bodies.

"All healing is essentially the release from fear." ACIM

Patricia is a metaphysical hypnotherapist. All healing modalities help us to feel safe and allow us to breathe. Thoughts, feelings, attitudes work to make a body ill or well, and no matter who you are, you can learn to get well and to stay well.

"Foods are drugs."

Patricia eats all raw food, and is an expert on using simple, commonly available, whole foods in place of toxic drugs and medicines.

"You have a contract with the universe and it can be read."

Patricia is a skilled astrologer, using ancient Miseastern and Indian techniques to evaluate health and energy requirements. It is good to know what your purpose is on planet earth, your sources of joy, your talents, your passions. And it's good to be confirmed.

Patricia's interests are as numerous and as purposeful as spokes on a wheel that revolve around one center. The center of her life is healing. She is passionate about healing, on every level: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Yes, Patricia was born and raised in Kansas and she loves red shoes. She knows how to make healing simple and easy and fun.



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