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A Journey Into the Self : The multi-dimensional nature of being human
by George E. Lockett [edit]

A Journey Into the Self : The multi-dimensional nature of being human
********** 10 Stars!
Price: US$ 14.99, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 1419628925


Touching and personal start with a difficult romance from the author's apprenticeship years, then leads on to intriguing insights ( how does he know how many petals there are on a charka ? )

It is a very healing book which re-iterates important topics such as the power and need for forgiveness , with a call to all of us that we can heal the planet and also the need to stay in the present moment instead of living in the fear of projections into the past or the future . It goes on to offer sympathy for the arduous path of lightworkers, trying to revive ancient wisdoms, that control hungry religions have tried to bury or keep for themselves.

This book is like a friend on the shelf to remind us that we keep getting drawn into illusions (of separation etc.) that could be pulled out and read,

Instantly lifting us from the doldrums with its clearly defined chapters, well worth a look.

Mark Musgrave.

George E. Lockett (Biography)

Author Bio: George E Lockett – HealerGeorge

For the last 32 years I have been focusing on personal development, involving the study of yoga and meditation and turning the attention in on itself.

This process has led me to some amazing realizations about who the person within the body is, and how this individual awareness interacts with the Universal Mind of the Creator God.

About eight years ago, I started practising as a Spiritual Healer.  I find the connection that I make to the more subtle energies within myself helps with the effectiveness of my Healing work.  I have practised in most parts of the UK, taking a stand at Mind, Body and Spirit Fairs around the country and internationally.

I found also that being aware at these subtle levels opens one's awareness to Spirit and allows the communication to take place between one's senses and those people in Spirit that may wish to communicate from the other side of the veil.  This ability allows me to work as a Medium in the Spiritualist Churches.



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