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Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings
by Lynn Grabhorn [edit]

Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings
11 Stars!
Price: US$ 10.47, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 1571743812


The law of attraction puts whatever you think about into your life, so you have to be careful what you put in your mind and how you feel about it. The distinction between negative wants (I don't want to be poor) and positive wants (I want enough money to do what I want in life) is difficult for most people, but the author makes it abundantly clear with great personal examples and a lot of enthusiasm. We can choose how we frame things and thus control the vibrations we send out to the world. Her strong emotions will be too much for some listeners, but she's genuine, and the ideas will grab you no matter how you feel about the reading. A "must hear" for anyone stuck in negativity. T.W. © AudioFile 2001, Portland, Maine-- Copyright © AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to the Audio Cassette edition.

V. McCowen, freelance reviewer
"And now for something completely different -- a self-help book that gives us a radical, here-to-fore unthinkable, seemingly too-good-to-be-true path to follow, finally acquiring what we all want out of life.

EXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITING is the book that promises to set the self-improvement genre on its ear with this unorthodox theory: we create our lives through how we feel. That's right, forget positive thinking, visualization, mind over matter, and all those other well-worn cure-alls for what ails the human race. What we feel is what we get!

EXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITING offers a welcome departure from the typical self-help book in more than one way. Not only does it push readers to question their long-held beliefs, it does so with an engaging wit and candor. With a background that includes video production and seminar presentation, Grabhorn knows how to tell a good story, to captivate her audience, to make the unbelievable become believable. She is funny, irreverent, and irrepressible, with a writing style that makes it seem as thought she is speaking directly to each individual reader.

A definite thumbs up on this one!" --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

"I want to give you a 'Rave Report' on "Excuse Me, your LIFE is Waiting." The book is absolutely awesome. I haven't been this excited about a book in ages." Jan Strout, Volunteer Bookstore Manager, Unity Church of Maine.

"How can I tell you what your book has done for me, aside from the fact it is so much fun to read. I want you to come to Sedona as soon as you can for a seminar, and also to my hometown in Germany. It is like you just gave me my first drink of water after being stranded on the desert. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Just signed "PJ," Arizona.

"I'm not sure if I'm ever going to talk to you again. What I'm finding is, whether one wants to get these concepts or not, they become such a part of you so quickly, you just start using them without even knowing it. And now because of that, there's been such an increase in my business, I don't know how on earth I'm ever going to keep up with it. HELP!" G.Turner,Washington. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

About the Author
Lynn Grabhorn is a long-time student of the way in which thought and feeings format our lives. Raised in Short Hills, New Jersey, she began her working life in the advertising field in New York City, founded and ran an audio-visual educational publishing company in Los Angeles, and currently owns and runs a mortgage brokerage in Washington State.

Lynn's first book, "Beyond the Twelve Steps," along with her sweeping multi-media program, "Life Course 101," have received high acclaim from all corners of the world. She lives in the Northwest where she continues to write, give seminars, and "mow my five acres." --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Book Description
Is there a way to always have a fat bank account, or a better job, or a delightfully smooth relationship, or a better body? And if so, is it really possible to realize these dreams now, rather than at some unknown future time? Lynn Grabhorn answers these questions with a resounding "Yes!" In Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting, she says that what actually molds every moment of every day of one's life are feelings. Using a candid, witty approach to a genre riddled with self-important puffery, she shows how feelings - not positive thinking, or sweat and strain, or good or bad luck, or even smarts - set the tone for people's lives. She frames her theory as a four-part plan that covers all the big topics - money, relationships, health, and spirituality - without being pompous or preachy. Grabhorn's "Law of Attraction" lets the seeker find peace and pleasure in life by feeling rather than by thinking.

Everyone Must Read!, February 23, 2002
Reviewer: Travis B. Robb (see more about me) from Chicago, IL USA
A great book! A must read for everyone. This book shows how to turn your life around by dealing with one of its largest factors - your attitudes. I've read other scientific material that show concretely how our subtle energies affect material existence. This book exemplifies how to create the life you want and magnetize what you want using the natural laws of energy. What's the power source? The strong etheric strength of your own feelings and thoughts! Some might say it was a bit long-winded but these principles perhaps need some drumming-in to fully set. The knowledge isn't new but the vision of its' practical application and ramifications in life is totally refreshing and inspiring. From personal experience: IT WORKS. Take the leap and your life'll never be the same!

Lynn Grabhorn (Biography)

Lynn Grabhorn is a long-time student of the way in which thought and feeings format our lives. Raised in Short Hills, New Jersey, she began her working life in the advertising field in New York City, founded and ran an audio-visual educational publishing company in Los Angeles, and currently owns and runs a mortgage brokerage in Washington State.

Lynn's first book, "Beyond the Twelve Steps," along with her sweeping multi-media program, "Life Course 101," have received high acclaim from all corners of the world. She lives in the Northwest where she continues to write, give seminars, and "mow my five acres." 


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