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Family Nutrition Book, The: Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Your Childrn...
by William and Martha Sears [edit]

Family Nutrition Book, The: Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Your Childrn...
********* 9 Stars!
Price: US$ 13.27, Available worldwide on
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ISBN: 0316777153

Organic or regular baby food? White or wheat bread? Yogurt or ice cream? Parents often wonder how best to feed their families, but the wondering is over with The Family Nutrition Book: Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Your Children--From Birth Through Adolescence. The beloved William Sears and his wife, Martha (a nurse), teach you how to become your own family nutritionist. Parents of eight children and well-known authors of more than a dozen childcare books, the Searses offer the solid advice on breastfeeding, beginning solids, and feeding picky eaters you'd expect. But more than that, they provide a crash course in overall nutrition. You'll learn how the body works, how to read food labels, what ingredients to look for (and which to avoid), how to trim fat from your diet, what makes up a balanced diet (not just the "food pyramid"), which foods are thought to prevent cancer, and more. The Searses also offer helpful food lists: good fats, best proteins, top 10 complex carbohydrates, and top 12 family foods, to name a few. You'll even get favorite Sears family recipes to help you get started on the road to healthy eating. It's all here, and it's all mixed with a healthy dose of passion for eating well. So you can show your children--by example--how to stay healthy and feel great. --Kelley Smith

From Publishers Weekly
In this vivid and ambitious guide to feeding a family, the Searses, William a doctor and Martha a nurse, shed light on the attributes of food: here brown sugar is "ordinary table sugar made brown by adding molasses," and the blues, reds and purples of fruits and vegetables veil vitamin deposits. Onions and garlic tame the damaging effects of fried oil; meat and vegetables eaten in combination amount to more than the sum of their parts; and cinnamon can masquerade as sugar. A wealth of nutrition information is smoothly presented, complete with accessible scientific explanations, behavior modification tips and framed asidesAall organized into minichapters with such titles as "Powerful Proteins" and "The Joy of Soy." The book progresses from an overview of nutrients (water and fiber among them) to an extensive evaluation of food groups, including discussions of vegetarianism, organic foods and decoding packaging labels. Additional sections address weight control and the specific roles various foods play in disease prevention, stamina building, etc. Reference tables and an updated food pyramid will prove indispensable to the reader. Agent, Denise Marcil. TV satellite tour. (Sept.)
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

It's a very useful and complete book, May 27, 2001
Reviewer: Patty Gomez (see more about me) from Caracas, Venezuela
Again written in a very easy-to-read way, this book is a very complete nutrition guide. It gives you the why's and how's of the differnet food groups and its very eye opening about comercial products and the way so called "healthy products" are marketed. After reading the book I have found myself in a better position to make informed decisions about what I'm buying and the way I'm cooking. The Sears give you a complete perspective without getting in the controversy of whether you should be a vegeterian or not, which I found very important so people of different believes and eating philosophies can enjoy the book equally. I particularly enjoy the sections of feeding your baby and toddler. They very complete and helpful. The book doesn't have recipes or anything but it has some cool ideas. I keep refering back to it everytime need to check in the nutritional information of different foods, or just when I need to give a boost to my health-awareness. It's very well documented (research references wise) and I particularly recommend it for people interested in cancer preventive styles of living.

Extremely informative, September 12, 2000
Reviewer: jillmo16 (see more about me) from Rancho Santa Margarita, CA United States
With a 1 year-old son and the awesome responsibility of feeding him properly I found I needed a reference book. This book is just that and so much more. The book is great for parents and kids.

I love the great examples and user friendly reading layout. I am delighted to learn so much about nutrition, how different foods affect the body and how to eat right to have optimal performance and fight cancer.

I did not find the book at all guilt inducing. We all do what we can and any little bit you do to give your kids a better chance is great.

Overall this is a great read, packed full of valuable information. Enjoy and good health!

William and Martha Sears (Biography)

William Sears, M.D., received his pediatric training at Harvard Medical School's Children's Hospital and Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children. He has practiced as a pediatrician for 30 years. Martha Sears, R.N., is a registered nurse, childbirth educator, and breastfeeding consultant. The Searses are the parents of eight children. They live in Southern California. 


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