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Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide (2nd Edition)
by Burton Goldberg [edit]

Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide (2nd Edition)
********** 10 Stars!
Price: US$ 41.97, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 1587611406


The Definitive Guide is known as the Bible of alternative medicine. You may very well want to use a dictionary stand for this hefty tome; it weighs in at more than 1,000 pages. Nearly 400 doctors (M.D.s, Ph.D.s, naturopaths, Doctors of Oriental Medicine, and osteopaths) contribute their cutting-edge knowledge, and the list of names is impressive. You'll find words of advice from Joseph Pizzorno, the president of Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington; C. Norman Shealy, the cofounder of the American Holistic Medical Association; Nobel laureate Linus Pauling; Deepak Chopra; and Joan Borysenko, author and director of the Mind-Body Health Sciences in Boulder, Colorado.
After an intriguing, optimistic look at "The Future of Medicine," the book is divided into two sections. The first profiles 43 alternative therapies--acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, qigong, hyperthermia, and yoga among them--including their development, how they work, proven uses, and controversial or yet-to-be-proven uses, along with contact information for organizations. The second section covers 105 topics such as headaches, mental health, and allergies, along with the alternative therapies that are most likely to help alleviate pain and encourage healing. This guide is easy enough to understand to make it perfect for home reference, while it would also make a fine resource for health care providers interesting in learning more about alternative medicine. --Erica Jorgensen

The best book on alternative medicine, January 7, 2003
Reviewer: A reader from San Francisco, CA USA
This has to be one of the most useful books on alternative medicine ever published, and now it's been completely updated and revised in 2002. Instead of getting just one doctor's perspective, you get the experiences of over 400 physicians. Whether you want to learn more about acupuncture, applied kinesiology, and other therapies or need to look up the treatments for a particular health problem, this is the book to go to first. Highly recommended!

What a comprehensive book about medicine and healing, July 30, 2000
Reviewer: Philip Scott (see more about me) from U.S.A.
This has got to be one of the most comprenhensive books ever written about alternative medicine. It tells a lot of valuable information about various vitamins and minerals and how they work to keep our bodies in perfect form. It gives important detail about what doses of each supplement we need to take. I also tells us about how the supplements interact with each other.

This book goes into great detail to tell us about our various organs and other body parts and how they work. I tells about how to handle disease when we contract it. It reinsures us that we don't need to run to the doctor everytime we get sick.

I have learned an inmeasureable amount of information from this book. I really believe it has been a worth while investment.

I Would Strongly Recommend This Book

Burton Goldberg (Biography)

Burton Goldberg

In an effort to move our society from a system of sick care to a system of wellness care, Burton Goldberg began a life-long mission to reform American medicine and to help people reclaim their health through natural means. Today this best-selling author and publisher is internationally recognized as "The Voice of Alternative Medicine." His message is simple, direct, and lifesaving: chronic illnesses can be successfully reversed with alternative medicine.

Mr. Goldberg's quest to understand how and why alternative medicine works began more than 25 years ago, and has taken him to Europe, Russia, China, Mexico, and Israel to learn firsthand from alternative practitioners. His goal is to share this information with others in order to save lives. With a team of over 400 of the world's leading alternative practitioners, along with 200 writers, editors, and researchers overseen by 1Healthy World’s co-founder, Larry Trivieri, Jr., Mr. Goldberg published Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. This best-selling title (over 600,000 copies in print) is widely regarded as "the bible of alternative medicine." Now completely revised and expanded, Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition, once again overseen by Larry Trivieri, Jr., was published in May, 2002.

In addition to The Definitive Guide, Mr. Goldberg has overseen the creation of The Burton Goldberg Library, a series of specialized ebooks that present the latest in clinical research and the safest, most effective treatment alternatives to prevent and permanently reverse numerous serious health conditions. He also publishes a unique consumer-oriented monthly health magazine, Alternative Medicine, and maintains a comprehensive website (

A champion of alternative healthcare, Mr. Goldberg recently testified before the United States Congressional Committee on Government Reform where he explained the alternative medicine "system" for diagnosing and reversing cancer and called for increased efforts to reduce the toxic substances in our air, water, food, and household products.

Enormously popular on radio and television, and a sought-after speaker, Mr. Goldberg has appeared as a featured guest on many national and international television and radio networks, including CNN, PBS, NPR, QVC, CBN, CTN, Global TV, CBC-TV, FOX, and Voice of America and has addressed such prestigious organizations as The Young Presidents Organization, World Presidents Organization, Commonwealth Club of California, National Health Federation, and Citizens for Health.




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