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Mucusless Diet Healing System
by Arnold Ehret [edit]

Mucusless Diet Healing System
********** 10 Stars!
Price: US$ 4.95, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 0879040041


Publisher Comments:
A scientific method of eating your way to health. Clears up mystery of latent, acute and chronic diseases. Reveals the formula of vitality. Explains the enforcement of elimination by diet reform. Ehret's system is more an education than a personal treatment. Recognizing that Nature performs no rapid miracles when healing the body, but rather demands proper compensation for the former wrong living and eating habits. The Mucusless Diet Healing System is for anyone desirous of learning that greatest and most valuable of all knowledge, How to Control Your Own Health. How to live longer and understandingly meet every bodily and mental sensation.

"This is the point where each person must decide for himself whether he wants to go on with obstructing his body and slowly suffocate, or whether he wants to at last take up the challenge of true health by daring to do the unconventional."
Professor Arnold Ehret,

The Cause and Cure of Human Illness

Saved My Life! Best Book I've EVER Read on Fasting & Diet!!!, February 27, 2002
Reviewer: Shelly Borsits from Rensselaer, IN United States
I was poisoned by the birth control shot depo provera. Immediately falling sick with symptoms I went back to the doctor. She told me no way was it the shot that was making me sick. She was concerned there was something wrong in my brain and from there I ended up at two different neurologists, a chiropractor, many nurse practitions, an ear nose and throat doctor and on and on. I was eventually diagnosed with fibromyalgia. (...)

No doctor could cure me. They all gave me various drugs, which I took willing.. (foolish me!!) but not one of them cured me. They only further POISONED MY SYSTEM!

I was cured by one thing and one thing only! FASTING AND A MUCUS FREE DIET! I have researched fasting and diet for healing purposes extensively. My stack of books on the subjects stacks waist high. This is by far, hands down, the book I recommend the highest.

If you've read Fast Your Way To Health and/or The Miracle of Fasting, this one is even better!! A+++

I URGE you to read this book! If you apply what he teaches you will change your life. You WILL regain a greater health than you have ever known!

Every modern man and woman should try this ..., July 13, 1999
Reviewer: An Customer
I've had rumathoid arthritis for 15 years and the ONLY "treatment" with positive results was this diet of Ehret. No more pain killers, no more acne (thanks to cortisone etc.) no more depression and NO pain or swelling. All allergies disappeared and I can eat almost anything in moderation. Had candida (chronic) - this also disappeared after the fast and never returned thanks to this MUCUSLESS DIET of Ehret. I don't miss any animal proteins in my diet and have no cravings! My husband and daughter loves this diet - they feel so clean! Read the book - it will make all the difference!

Arnold Ehret (Biography)

Famous Fasts
Professor Arnold Ehret

Professor Arnold Ehret's record fast was 49 days. Not only that, at the end of the 49 day fast, Ehret was in better shape than he was going into it. Arnold Ehret was able to perform amazing physical feats of strength.

Ehret was trying to educate doctors in the benefits of fasting. It divided Europe's medical community into Ehretists and non-Ehretists. The phenomenal benefits of Ehret's work have largely receded to a medical backwater now due to the proliferation of large pharmaceutical companies with massive marketing programs.

Regardless, as a healing system for degenerative disease, nothing better has ever been discovered nor ever will. Ehret's Mucusless Diet combined with properly done fasting regularly achieves medical miracles.

Thanks to: JN Ontario, Canada 


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